Howdy all! What an adventuresome week! Brooke has been doing great and growing well, she even rolled over for the first time this week! She's rolled over twice so far (that we know of). I've been home every time, but she only does it when I'm not looking. The first time I was upstairs, the second time I was looking away, and when I looked back she was on her back not her belly... Thanks Brooke.
She's also learned to grab my nose.
Here we see Monica using Brooke as a claw like in those quarter machines you can never win. Turns out that Brooke is better at grabbing with her feet than those claws.
Wednesday the big snow storm hit. On Tuesday my program manager sent an email that said if we wanted to work form home the next day he understood because it was supposed to be so snowy, so I figured if it had snowed much in the morning I'd just work from home. Well, as I was running that morning it was snowing some, but wasn't really sticking anywhere. By the time I was ready to head to work there was a little snow all over, so I thought "hey, I'm allowed to work from home, maybe I'll just work from home!" I hopped on my computer to check my email and WORK WAS CANCELED!! It then proceeded to dump at least 18 inches on us, and it was very windy. Most of the roofs ended up with very little snow on them, unless somehow protected from the wind, and the tops of trees were low on snow while the bottoms were caked in it!
Here's a picture out of our front door. You can see that the snow stuck onto the side of our house.
And here is our front porch, with snow stuck to all sides of everything.
And this is one of our window wells.
I was pretty surprised in the morning that work was canceled, but I wasn't gonna complain. But throughout the day it became pretty apparent that it was not a good idea to drive anywhere. They never plowed the road outside our house and the freeways were shut down unless you had chains on your tires. Basically there was just more snow than snow removal could keep up with.
While I was home Brooke and I decided to split a bowl of cereal.
The plow came by once overnight after the storm ended and on Thursday morning the middle of our street was plowed. Unfortunately this turned the 18 inches of snow, which was already higher than the ground clearance of any of our cars, into at least 2 feet of packed snow which I did not want to ram a car through, so I worked from home Thursday. All in all it made for a rather interesting week!
Last night we dyed Easter eggs. Here we are in the process... pretty far in the process.
Gotta protect my shell parts from dye! That's how you make the really cool eggs at least. Our "magic stick" of wax didn't work super great. We'd draw stuff on eggs, and then half of what we thought we drew would get dyed anyway...
Look at that blue egg!?
Here is a close up of some of the eggs.
We have some pictures with all the eggs completed, but we just took them so I'll save them for next week. We still need to take Brooke's Easter pictures, so I'll keep some egg pictures to go with those.
This morning we hid eggs for each other to find. It was quite fun. Fun enough that the discussion did come up of having mini fake-easters throughout the year. Here's my Easter basket.
And Monica with her's.
It's been a good Easter so far, and Monica's making a super great dinner! Things are definitely good over here!
Independence Day
10 years ago