Yesterday we made our way over to the mall to pick up some clothes for Brooke that Monica got online in a really good sale. Shipping to the store was free-er than shipping to our house, so we went to pick them up, and they had baby sunglasses right at the register! Brooke didn't seem to mind wearing them either!
Last Sunday we decided to make some homemade butter to be like the Pioneers! It was quite fun. I'm guessing I've done this, or something like it, before, but I definitely don't really remember it and it was a lot of fun.
Here we are shaking up our cream into butter in an air conditioned house, just like the pioneers did.
At this point it wasn't quite done, but it looked really good. It gets really thick like this and is hard to shake, but once you get it to shake a little more it suddenly is butter like we know and love!
While this was going on we had homemade biscuits in the oven. Typically it feels like forever to wait for things in the oven. The perk of making butter by hand? It takes exactly a biscuit baking to make butter, so right as we finished our butter the oven beeped and it was time for biscuits!
Our friendly backyard squirrel watched fondly from just outside the back door.
This week we went though some of our older pictures to see if we had any of Brooke's teeth. They're pretty hard to capture because she usually sticks her tongue out whenever she opens her mouth this wide. We got her laughing this week and grabbed a few pics. This ones a pretty good shot o' those teeth!
And we finally remembered to take a picture of Brooke in her jogging stroller. On our Saturday run we went out for 6 miles, and she fell asleep along the way! Here she is back at the car!
She seems to really enjoy running with us. There's only been one time she got unhappy while we were out, and that was on our long run last Saturday, so I was a little afraid she'd get sad before we finished again yesterday. She took the high road and just went to sleep instead!
I think that's about all the updating for this week. We've started taking walks on Sunday mornings, and walking through the new neighborhood they're building next to ours. It's kinda crazy how fast the houses can go up, or at least how fast the outsides do. One week there's a hole, the next a foundation, and the next it's fully framed! We also go check out the park every week too. It'll be nice having a park so close to our house once it's all finished.
Oh! One more thing. Yesterday we went to Target and while there we stumbled upon a game called Sushi Go! and it's a super fun game! We've played it a bunch since, and I'm currently in trouble for taking too long to write this because Monica is waiting to play it with me, so I better go!