Hello to all! It's been a great week out here for us, and I hope you've had a similar week. Brooke has started taking to her 2nd room again. It had been a while since she played in the box, at least when I was home, but on Saturday she wanted back in, and no amount of stuff was too much to have in there with her. She said she wanted a book, which I soon found out meant she wanted all the books...
She's also started to enjoy climbing on things. The couch downstairs is still a little too high for her to climb up on her own, but she can climb on the couch upstairs. She also likes to climb on us when we're on the floor. So now she'll climb into our laps, or sit on our faces as demonstrated last week. She's also started to climb on her Unicorn that she got for Christmas. I knew she'd eventually like to play with it!
We have a basket down in the main room full of blankets. It's nice to have so that if we ever are cold we can go get one. Well, Brooke has made the breakthrough of blankie no longer being one item, but every blanket she sees. She was trying to pull them all out, so I kindly gave her 4 to play with. She loved having all the blankets, though it was never enough if she could still see the basket...
Brooke really likes to look at the neighbors animals, and her favorite is the cat that sits on the hot tub behind the house. The cat was out this morning, and Brooke was very excited to see it! It's a little hard to see the cat in the picture, but it's there.
Also, Brooke enjoys playing with my dino. The significance of this toy is that it's the first thing (that I remember) that I ever bought with my own money. I got it at a neighbors garage sale when I was 5 or 6, and I've had it ever since. When you push it's head down it drives away, and Brooke loves to chase it around the house!
Well... I believe that's all of the Brooke news. Monica and I are also doing well. This past week I officially started a company and put together a webpage in preparation for a (hopefully) soon release to my card game I talked about a few weeks ago. The website is AshLoreGames.com. Just as a note, the form on the contact page doesn't get email to me yet... I'm not sure why, but if you try it I won't see it.
Anyway, I hope everyone is doing great! Have a wonderful week, and thanks for reading!