Hello all! Picture wise this was not the most full week... but that's ok, I still have some good pictures. We took Brooke swimming on Saturday. She's been a few times, but we don't go very often. When we got there she wasn't all too crazy about the water, but after a little while and a few laps around the lazy river she started getting into the flow of it. They also have a little water playground thing and some little water works. She liked going down the slide and standing and playing in the water! She loves to splash!
And here she is... playing. She really liked the lazy river and "swimming" to us. We had a lot of fun except that on the playground they have water gun things, and they can just reach parts of the splash water trough things Brooke was playing in, and kids kept pointing them at us. Brooke was not a fan, so we had to stay away from there.
And when we were all done she walked back to our stuff! She's started to enjoy walking a lot more recently, which is great! Today she held my hands and walked all the way around the church and out to the car!
Also, here's a video of Brooke eating a muffin! It's better than it sounds.
In other news I got a new laptop this past week. I got it to help with working for my board game company. While my desktop computer is nice, it's just sometimes hard to find time to go off to a separate room and work, so the hope is that with a laptop it will be more convenient to work on projects. It definitely helped out this past week as I finished up the card design for my new Egypt themed game. I've included some of the artwork for some of the cards. First, here is the card back.
The goal of the game is to gain points. You gain points by playing cards to help build pyramids. An example of one of the pyramid plans is below. This one is the Sphinx.
To build the pyramids you play cards representing various things such as blocks, hieroglyphics, and of course mummies!
And all mummies must go in their sarcophagus!
The last image is of an idol. There are a 3 different types of idols: cats, dogs, and birds.
Once I finished laying out the cards I put in an order for a print. I'm excited to get them back and play with real cards! There is still a bit of work to do before this game is complete. I still need to design a box to put the cards in, and I need to rework the rules into a fancier design (I don't think plain text on a white paper is optimal here...). Once all that's done I think I'll be ready to set up a kickstarter to try to fund a first print of the game! I'll keep you all informed as progress continues.
Monica has been working on an Etsy shop. It's not quite ready yet, so we'll have to wait until next week before we reveal it/post a link.
I think that's all the major news from our neck of the woods. Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderful week!