This past week was Monica's Birthday!! She almost caught up to me in age, but I'm still a year ahead. Maybe she'll catch up to me next year! We had a grand birthday celebration, and Brooke even helped with the candles!
Brooke was especially happy with mommy's birthday as she picked up Monica's old watch! Finally a watch she can play with whenever she wants. She's already managed a 2 hour 20 minute run going a total of 0.68 miles, so basically a fitness freak!
We'll talk a little more about Monica's birthday in a minute, but first lets rewind to last Sunday. We headed over to the park in the afternoon and blew bubbles and flew a kite. I got to show off my exceptional kite flying skills for Monica this time too!
On Tuesday the young men really wanted to do a hot dog eating contest for mutual. I arrived with 48 hot dogs and 48 buns, and some ketchup. They talk a big talk, and told me I didn't have near enough, but when all was said and done I ended up taking home a dozen hot dogs!
Here they are going at it! There were enough for 8 each for everyone in the contest. The winner (Monte) was whoever could eat 8 the fastest. Second place (Caden) I believe ate 7 in the same amount of time, and everyone else ate 2 and talked and enjoyed themselves. Not quite what I had in mind when I heard eating contest...
Wednesday takes us back to Monica's birthday! In the morning we decided to go out to breakfast. There is a little French bakery we wanted to try, so we stopped in and got crepes and an omelet, along with a few pastries. It was great! And Brooke had a great time playing with the ketchup, sugar and coffee creamers while we waited.
When I got home from work we finished up cooking brownies (Monica's "cake") and then headed out to Indochine for dinner. We got their amazing curry, and everyone was much pleased. We said multiple times that we needed to not forget to grab a family picture before we left, and here I am without a family picture... oops. We came back home, lit up some candles and sang happy birthday (as pictured above), and then had some brownies and ice cream! After we put Brooke to bed, Monica found an old book she had remembered on the drive home called two-minute mysteries, and we started to read them and see if we could solve them! It was a lot of fun, but it's amazing how fast 2 minutes can add up.
Blue Jelly continues to grow up, and is so much larger than the kitten we brought home! For the most part Jelly and Brooke get along, and when they don't it's always been Brooke so far. Brooke has had a few time outs this week for pulling Jelly's fur, followed by no longer being allowed to touch Jelly for the rest of the day. Hopefully she's learning because Jelly doesn't stick up for herself at all when Brooke does it! It's so sad, but I'm glad we have such a well behaved kitty!
In other news, and as you may have seen on Facebook, I launched the Kickstarter for my game, Egyptian Architects. There has been a LOT of learning in the process so far, and I'm sure I'll learn a lot more before it's all said and done. The campaign funded in a little less than 26 hours, so now we're looking at unlocking stretch goals, such as additional new cards, printing on higher quality paper, and even upgraded art work! Here's a link to the project so you can go take a look! And feel free to share it with your friends, enemies, etc. And if you have already or do back the project, THANKS!
Our stake conference is coming up soon, and as it's fast approaching I find myself looking back to conference 6 months ago. I'll admit that last time I did not have a good attitude about conference, especially the meetings on Saturday. We'll, in the Saturday evening adult session a speaker talked about expectations, and how our unmet expectations cause us to not be happy. This came with a challenge to contemplate our expectations and honestly decide if they were unreasonable or not. Unreasonable expectations will still lead to unhappiness, but they need to be addressed and fixed because not only can they lead to unhappiness, they will! As I heard it I immediately thought about what my expectations had been for that Saturday. I definitely had unreasonable expectations. The root of my problem was that I expected to not need to do anything on Saturday, and to get to do whatever I wanted. That's dangerous to expect, especially with a 1 year old! The council I heard that day has really helped me since. I encourage all of you in times of unhappiness to reflect on what is wrong, and what your expectation is that was not met. If it is unreasonable I encourage you to take steps to either make it reasonable, or get rid of the expectation. If it is a reasonable expectation, then talk with those around you who can help to meet that expectation. Working on our expectations will help us to live happier lives. I share this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Independence Day
10 years ago