Here's a little sneak peak of our zoo trip!

Monica got this picture, so I don't know the story, but look how cute Winry looks!
This past week Monica made hazelnut soup, which is from Tangled. She found the recipe online, and we made it and didn't really like it too much... But guess who loved it! Brooke! And do you know why? Because it was from Tangled! Even tonight she talked to me about how she ate Tangled soup this past week.
Also, Winry, er.... turned 3 months this past week.... Ok, she didn't turn 3 months, but we got her 3 month pictures this past week! Good job Monica!
Also, Brooke was a great helper while Monica was trying to take pictures! Look at her keeping Winry company!
Here's Winry taking a nap-aroo with her arms up! Cause all she do is Win Win Win-ry
Ok, so onto our trip. Monica planned a surprise weekend get-away for my 30th birthday coming up next week. We headed down Thursday night, and I'm not sure anyone slept well that night... But on Friday morning we headed to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo! Our very first stop was the giraffes so we could get there before it got crazy, and it was still pretty crazy when we got there. It gets crazy because you can feed them, and for our first time, we did! Brooke was pretty excited at first, but seeing a tongue at least half the length of her body made her a little nervous...
She fed the first few pieces of lettuce, but after that Monica and I had to help feed the rest.
We got a few videos of us feeding giraffes, but I think this one is the best.
After we finished we kept going and ran into some baby meerkats! They were super cute!
Right around the corner from that we came to the lions! And Brooke just had to say hello!
At the zoo they also have wallabies out, and if they come over close to the path you can pet them. We did pet one, but we also saw this one with a baby! It didn't come close enough to pet it, and after a while there was a little crowd looking at the baby. The momma wallaby took off and ran to the other side of the area!
At one place they were building a new exhibit, and they had this sign up on the fence! I thought it was really funny! On the far end it even had the silhouette picture of a person next to a silhouette of one of the machines.
We also got the obligatory picture of me with the kids under this giraffe! I've gotten a picture under here every time I've been! The first time it was because it was raining and I was trying to get out of the rain, and then it just became tradition!
While we were there this tortoise came walking up. While it was walking around the attendant next to it said to be careful because it likes to walk over things and smash them! Sadly there wasn't anything there to smash... so no demo video...
Brooke didn't make it too long at the zoo due to the not sleeping the night before, so we didn't stay the whole day but instead headed back to the hotel for naps (she HAD to take her nap in the pack and play, not in her stroller). After naps we headed to the hotel pool, which was Winry's first time swimming! I think the swim diapers were a little big...
But I think Winry had a good time!
And Brooke had a blast swimming around and hitting these balls!
And we got a family picture at the end... or a couple... But the gif of them was definitely the best!
After some swimming we headed out for miniature golf. Brooke hit the ball around for the first few holes, and then after that, she picked it up and threw it into the holes. We had a lot of fun. I think it was a little long for Brooke by the end, but I still think we all had fun.
On Saturday morning after we packed up everything and we went to hike at Garden of the Gods. It's a pretty cool little park. The parking is a little rough, but once we got a spot it was nice that the hike wasn't long to see anything. It was pretty warm, so we had to put on sun screen and tried to keep the sun off of everyone as much as possible, especially Winry. Monica couldn't stop laughing for at least 5 minutes when I put the swaddle blanket on Winry's head!
And here's a picture of us before we left.
This morning I took Brooke over to the park to play, and we had a great time. I haven't been with her in a long time, but she still enjoyed climbing on the front of the rocking things. We also went on a lot of slides which were crazy static-y today. We'd get to the bottom and I'd put my feet down and get a big spark through my foot! We still had a lot of fun together!
Some other kids came and were on the swings so we headed home to swing in the back yard. I wanted to get a picture of our tree because it was blooming, and Brooke was swinging right into my picture! What a cutie!
Phew! It's been such a last few days! I hope everyone is doing great, and I'm off to bed!