Oh my! My finger is BROKEN!! Don't worry, I didn't break it this past week, I broke it 4-6 weeks ago playing basketball. I'm not really sure how long ago it was... Anyway, I finally went to a doctor this last week because it STILL hadn't healed, and that seemed a little long for just a jammed finger. Turns out I was right, but it also turns out it wasn't that bad. The doctor said my ligament just pulled off a little piece of my bone. He also said if I had come in right away he would have given me a cast/brace thing, but at this point I could just keep toughing it out. That seems fair since I kept playing basketball through the last month. He told me it could still be a few months before the bone reattaches and my finger is fully recovered, so hopefully I have a healed finger for Christmas.
The girls LOVE to help me do the laundry. Winry started helping last week, so now I have two helpers! Brooke already knows how to turn on and run both the washer and dryer, and if she could reach and open the laundry detergent on her own could do her own laundry... maybe I should move the detergent lower... :)
Winry was playing with Monica's new kitty, Penelope. She was wearing it as a scarf and was SOO happy about it!
Brooke made Sunday night dinner last week! She made moussaka (her choice!), which is Greek food. It's kind of like lasagna, but with egg plant instead of noodles, and no pasta sauce. It was REALLY good. Brooke is becoming an excellent cook. I took it for lunch many times through the week.
On Monday after my run in the morning Winry joined me to do some foam rolling. She really likes foam rolling now! Brooke and Winry love exercising, stretching, and foam rolling with me, and I love to have them with me!
Monday night, Brooke wanted to rider her bike, so we took a loop around the neighborhood. Brooke has been loving her bike lately, and told me she'd love one with pedals. I told her we should practice more with her balance bike to help her learn to balance, and then she'll be so ready for a pedal bike! Also, while we were out we saw a leaf bug on a car. Can't say I've seen one of those in a long time.
This past week, Monica and the girls had a bee scare in the car after they got gas at Costco. They had seen something flying in the car earlier, but didn't realize it was a bee. As they started driving home, Winry spotted the bee and started crying "BEE, BEE!!" It started buzzing around Brooke and scared her and she started screaming as well. Monica rolled down both Brooke's and her window to try to get it out, and once it was out she started rolling up the windows. The bee landed on the window and the race was on. Fortunately the windows JUUUUUST beat the bee... and probably chopped it in half. You can see the end of the bee in the corner of the window. Once Brooke found out the bee got squished, she started crying and saying, I just wanted him to go back with his bee family! She's such a sweetie.
Sometime this past week, Monica was playing outside with the kids, and Winry started walking Moosie down the driveway!
I ran to the grocery store on the way home form work for Monica one day this past week, and went down the baking aisle to get some spices. This meant I had to walk by the Jello and pudding and oreo desserts, or as we call them here in Parker, "vegetables!"
Yesterday Winry took a little nap in the stroller on our run, and therefore didn't take another nap later. By mid-afternoon Brooke was also super tired and super whining. We needed something to do not in our house, so I took the kids to the park. Here's Brooke going down the slide all by herself. We had a pretty good time, but eventually it was time to go home. I offered to let the kids swing for a few minutes real quick before we left. I swung for a little with Winry, but in the end it was easier to let her sit in the swing on her own. She did a good job holding on the whole time, and this was her first time on the big kid swing by herself! Once they were both on there, they were SOO happy, and it was a sharp contrast to the sadness and whining of home, so I decided we'd stay and swing for a while. I let them swing for about 20 minutes before we finally left.
Today was the primary program, and not only that, but Brooke's first primary program! Don't worry, they reminded us we weren't supposed to take videos or audio recordings, so I just got a picture of Brooke up at the front. I maybe shouldn't have done that either, but it's her first time! She did amazing. She said her part loudly and clearly, and did a great job singing. We could even hear her a little! All in all, it was a wonderful program, and Brooke did an amazing job!
I believe that's all of the news around these parts for this week! Have a wonderful week!
Independence Day
10 years ago