So, a bit back we started a fuzzy ball jar. When the kids are well behaved we let them put in a fuzzy ball, and the jar filled up over the last weekend, so they picked to go out for ice cream on Monday! Everyone was very excited, possibly Grayson most of all. He got "brown". When we walked in he saw chocolate and knew that's what he wanted. I read all the flavors to him, but he just knew what he wanted when he walked in! We turned it into a full family outing and went to a park after, and everyone had a great time there as well.
Earlier in the day Monday we went for a family hike on the trail. We went close by home, but the trail goes along the creek and it was really nice. The weather was warm that day, but it was supposed to dip colder around noon, and while I thought it felt great when I got out of the car, I wished I had a jacket by the time we got back. The kids liked to see the creek and throw in leaves and sticks and watch them float by.
And since I got the picture with everyone out on the creek, here's Monica and Brooke while we were getting close to the end. All in all I believe we walked a little over a mile.
Grayson snuck into Monica's slippers! He really loves to wear over sized shoes.
On Thursday I went in for an MRI of my brain. I tried to pick a good image where you could see my eyes, since that's what they were primarily supposed to be looking at. It was an interesting process. I'd describe the sound of an MRI machine like those dial up sounds from back in the day, but played back slowed down. I got a call from the doctor later in the day to let me know there was nothing of concern in the MRI, so that's great news. I'll go back to the eye doctor early next month and then I'll start physical therapy, and hopefully things are looking better from there!
Saturday morning Monica had to head out for a temple trip, and I was getting the kids ready. I happened upon Jelly, who was sitting in my bedroom window, watching a bird run around the backyard! Unfortunately she wasn't chirping at it like she sometimes does.
I took the kids to the church at 9 to help clean, and right as we were getting there my mom called! We had tried to get a hold of her on Friday because it was her birthday! So the kids and I talked with her while we were cleaning the windows and the doors. It was a fun chat and glad we got to catch up.
Here are all the kids taking a quick sit break! They did an amazing job cleaning. We ended up being the only family that came to clean, and after we cleaned all the windows it had been almost an hour, so we called it a day there. Fortunately it's stake conference this week, so there weren't meetings in our building, so they can finish things up next week.
Saturday was Winry's last day of basketball. She's been having a really great time and I'm so glad she tried it out. It's been a lot of fun watching her learn something new. She's improved so much and was doing really great on defense in her last game! Monica went for her last practice/game, and they even signed up to take the snack.
After Grayson's nap, we went to the park. The same one as Monday. It's not one we typically go to, but isn't that far away. The kids loved it, so I'd definitely say it's worth driving over because they all had so much fun.
Grayson found this little orange thing (I'm pretty sure it's the lid to a cup, as it has a straw hole in the middle) and he loves to dig in the sand with it. I tried to sit on the digger and he got really mad at me because he wanted to scoop the sand onto it.
This morning Monica had to go to the youth session of stake conference and go to the main session early for choir practice. The kids were basically all ready before she had to leave though, but I helped Grayson get the rest of the way there. Grayson wanted to play "Don't Break the Ice" when he was ready, so we played it until it was time to leave. Eventually the game evolved to blankie smashing the ice in one fell swoop.
And that's all I've got for now. Look forward to the next jar fill, we're going bowling!