It rained! It rained! There were no crazy storms this time, but it's always nice to have some rain. After Monica walked the girls to school, Jelly wanted to take her own stroll outside. The umbrella does seem about the appropriate size for her to carry!
Here's a snap of Grayson at preschool. I like this picture because it looks like they're doing a fun activity, and I really liked those rain boots with a yoga mat.
On Tuesday, the co-op preschool was at our house, and it was turkey craft time! The kids all made pinecone turkeys, and afterwards made turkey cookies. I assume they also learned something about Thanksgiving too.
On Friday afternoon, we went down to San Antonio to go to the temple and the zoo. Friday night Monica went to the temple while I got the kids ready for bed. I taught Brooke how to levitate while she was brushing her teeth, and everyone had some fun with that.
Once everyone was ready for bed, we played Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza for a little. This is Grayson's favorite game right now. It's one of those games where you have to slap the pile of cards to get them for yourself, so you have to go quick. Grayson absolutely loves it when he gets the pile, and isn't quite as fond of the game if he hasn't take a pile for a couple of rounds. But tonight, we all had a lot of fun with each other.
Fortunately the game was fun, because bedtime was not. There was a lot of complaining about where everyone would sleep and arrangements got shuffled around probably 4 to 5 times before everyone was happy and went to bed.
The next morning I took my turn at the temple, and then we all went to the zoo together. The zoo was decorated for Christmas, which was pretty fun, and most of the animals were out, and some were being pretty fun to watch too. Definitely the highlight of this trip was the monkeys. They were just so active, and there was even a little baby. There was also a juvenile one that kept pulling the baby's tail, and the baby got passed around a few times, and the monkeys grabbed their lettuce and jumped up on top of the glass wall right in front of us to eat! Very entertaining.
The girls pestered me through most of the zoo to go on the carousel, and I decided it seemed like fun, so we did. The zoo here doesn't let an adult go on free to stand next to their kid, so if I have to pay to get on, I'm gonna ride!! I even got lucky and scored a snow leopard or clouded leopard, not 100% sure which, but we'll go with snow because that's my favorite!
They had a few large wing picture spots. The butterfly was too good to pass up for me, and yes, I did choose my picture over a picture of the kids. To be fair, the kids make it in here all the time.