Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Little Late

So... This was supposed to be done on Sunday... but I forgot... so here we are Tuesday night. I have to wake up in 7 hours to go running, so I will be brief. Basically last week I stuck it out and didn't run the rest week. I went about 22 miles total as well, so that was good. This week Tina also invited us to join her in her marathon in Colorado on September 22nd (if that date is wrong please tell me, it's kinda important) which I think I will run with her as my last long run before my own marathon, which I'll hopefully run St. George 2 weeks later. Anyway, the last few days have had some cool things that I'd like to post up about, but I need time to upload pictures and videos and tonight I just don't have the time, but tomorrow I should be able to get to it so long as I don't forget. Anywhoot, I think that's all for tonight.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Texting Toddlers

So, at M&O's house we were partying today! Needless to say I've become Jonathan's favorite. Here is a picture of him letting everyone know!
And I know what the question you're all asking is... and yes, this is the new trend of kids and cell phones.

Anyway, nothing else too exciting really happened at the end of this week. So onto running I suppose.
I finally missed a day. I didn't do my long run last Saturday, but it was by choice. I went and played frisbee on friday, and my "hour max" quickly turned into about 3. That night my right leg was hurting pretty bad if I moved it any farther than a walking motion, and the next morning when I got out of bed my left foot hurt pretty bad just to walk on. Considering these fact I decided it was in my best interest to just skip running for the day and rest. That also meant I didnt get to go play ultimate frisbee or racquetball... rough day. On the plus note, I feel much better today! So I guess we'll see how my run tomorrow goes. I put up the next two weeks of my schedule because originally I was planning to skip next week and after what is labeled as week 5 start up a new plan that was 30 miles/week. Well... we'll see how my run goes tomorrow, and if I'm feeling good I'll probably still skip ahead a week, otherwise I'll be taking my recovery week. Only time will tell for now.

Oh I do remember one other noteworthy thing from this week. I totally rocked my physics test. I only missed 1 point. So that was pretty good.

Anywhoot, I think that's about all I got for today, hopefully I'll remember to take my camera around with me more... or be more liberal with my phone. See y'all next post.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

America!!! and Pi day

So, unfortunately I've been getting home pretty late at night and with the whole running in the morning thing I've been straight to bed almost every night... Otherwise this would have been 2 blog posts.

So I'll start off with my only in America section :D

So, you may not know this, but Taco Bell now has tacos in doritos shells. Now I know what you're thinking, but despite your thoughts I have photographic evidence that these babies exist. What makes them so special you may be wondering? Well let me tell you. Just think with me a minute on this one. Where else would people get together and say what would make our fast food better? What if we wrapped it up in junk food? BAM! a new taco is born.

This is what it looks like when you first open it! What delicious advertising!
The cardboard case is rather nice as it keeps the nacho cheese powder off of your hands. Delightful! So if you haven't tried one of these yet, I'd recommend it.

Now to the Pi Day

On Pi day we also had our work party in the Marriott center. I took this as my yearly opportunity to "dunk where Davies dunks"
Too bad I can only ride that cash cow once right? Anyway, it was fun playing some basketball and eating free pizza. Sadly I didn't have 20,000+ fans going crazy for me... sad day!

While at the staff party Melissa Boyer invited me over for some pi(e) for Pi day after the party. How could I refuse? I couldn't. And here she is with her homemade chocolate chip cookie pie! It was great.
So yup, that's been my last few days. Everything else is going pretty great. School's keeping me busy, but that's not a surprise. Only a few weeks till I'm graduated and stuffs... pretty crazy. Not sure there's very much else to report for now. See all y'alls later!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Go Cougfins!!!

This last friday was the big Harding rivalry game between Wesminster and BYU. This year there are a few more then there have been in years past... but I believe this is the first of the season. I enjoyed the game and it was nice to come up and spend time with family. I stayed up Friday night so I could do taxes, but BYU's server is having issues and I couldn't get any or my tax forms... Oh well. Still good times.

In fact, everyone was having good times as is apparent in this picture of Jonathan
Hope I spelled his name right... :)

As far as running goes this week I followed my schedule, and I must admit, it makes it a lot easier to get up and go when I know it'd be my FIRST MISSED RUN if I didn't go. Here's how my running went this last week, and a preview of next week's fun!

Also, on the St. George Marathon's home page there is an awesome video about running (the st. george marathon). I really like it. So it's easier to add miles to the week at a slower pace then I thought it would be. I might switch up to a higher mileage plan sooner than I originally thought... I guess I'll have to go look at them this week.

In other news I caused myself to be sick today... I think I just did too much yesterday between my run and playing a couple hours of ultimate frisbee... but at least it was a ton of fun! Right? Anyway, I think that's about all I got for now.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Masters of Marathon???

First off some "big" news. I officially got accepted to BYU for grad school. I'll be continuing on in... I think I put Computer Engineering, but I guess the details are negligible... I should probably find out though :). Anyway, that was a piece of good news! I'm currently heavily involved with research with a couple of the professors, and recently took over one of the research projects. It's good to know I'll be around for another few years, and it's good to know I'll have a job too!

In other news it's time for my weekly report on running. I just looked up a training plan this last week, and after some playing around found what looked like a plan I could follow for the time being. This week my long run was 8 miles (which is twice as far as I've run in months) and it really wasn't bad. Jarom came with me and it was the farthest he's run in his life! I talked to him almost the whole way. I'm used to running basically everything as fast as I can, but I decided this year I'd try to stick with a real training plan. So I used runner's world smart coach to pop out a running plan. Currently I'm working up to a half marathon by the end of this semester, and then when the summer comes I'll start up a more time consuming full marathon training schedule. I'm hoping having all my workouts set will help me be more motivated to wake up and go running each morning. Here's a review of last week, as well as a preview of next week!

I put the actual distances in red, along with the week total. I made the plan late Wednesday night, so it was too late to go running then... Otherwise it was a successful week!

Have a great one!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Yesterday was leap day! Apparently this is my equivalence to new years... For whatever reason as leap year rolled toward me I decided I'd like to start taking more pictures. I decided to start carrying my camera with me and snapping pictures of whatever is happening, and then to maybe start blogging again. Figured this would be a good way to save the highlights of whatever I'm up to... and let's just pray that sometimes that's interesting.
In other recent news I've decided to finally be serious about running and I started looking at actual training schedules today. More on this to come as I nail down exactly what I want to do. So that's the other half of my leap day resolutions.
So now you may be wondering, do I have pictures for today? The answer to that would be yes, yes I do!

Snow covered berries!! Manly I know. I let Brooklynn take some pictures while we were out a walkin in the snow storm this fine evening. She enjoys close ups of snow on plants, so I gotta throw the picture up right?

While we were out and about it came time for snow angels, which Brooklynn bravely volunteered to do.

I affectionately stepped on and broke the angels left wing whilst giving it a halo...
After the snow angel we played a rousing game of "try to get your head up" in which I got dragged all over through the snow. Below is the evidence... So sad... So cold...

Anyway, that's all for today. This seems less entertaining than in the past, but I suppose that's how life rolls sometimes. Anywhoot, I'm out!