Well. This was a bit of a slow week it seems. The highlights start with Monica and I playing a mean game of lawn darts! We have a more safe version than legit giant darts, but that didn't stop me from driving one all the way into the ground (bottom right).
It was probably the best game we've ever played. There were only a few rounds where neither of us got a dart in the ring. Guess we're getting better just in time for winter and it being too cold to go out and play...
I made it a goal way back at the start of the year to run to work (and, ideally, run back home too). Well, training hasn't gone quite as planned yet this year, but I have at least run to work once before. I decided to run to work again as it's just a little over 4 and half miles away, so shorter than many of my runs that have me returning to home. The new challenge this time was that I needed to pack not only my clothes but my lunch. Last time I ran in was for a big meeting with a customer with free lunch provided.
Well when the morning came it happened to line up with the first snow fall of the year! Lucky me. So I had to wear extra warm clothes, and then when I got out running, it turned out I was over prepared and I could have left a layer or 2 behind.
Once I got to work I decided to play a fun game with Monica called "Does it make it to work safe" which revolved around my lunch. Here you can see my once all yellow, really great looking banana:
And my PB&J sandwich:
So I guess in the future I'll have to plan a little better what to take for lunch. Everything else survived all right though.
We went to a play at the high school on Friday night. One of the teachers in our ward, Joe Robinson, was in it. The play was "And Then There Were None" and it was really good! He even had one of the main parts and made it down to one of the last 3 alive! It was a fun night, and good to get back out to a play again. It's been far to long since Monica and I last went.
Now well kinda jump a couple more days forward to today. Monica and I went on a walk after church to go see the prairie dogs. They ran and hid initially when we stopped right outside their homes, but after waiting for a little they came out to play.
Monica was so excited to be back with her prairie dog brethren! Just look at the excitement!
We'll that basically bring us up to the current. We're trying to get the baby's room finalized (this week I believe) so I should have some picture of that for you next week.
I'm not sure of anything else cool going on around the house, but if you're interested in anything else feel free to leave a comment, I do try to check them occasionally. I think that's all for now.