Sunday, October 18, 2015

Tour de Farm

First picture's first, here's Monica at 34 weeks!

Or possibly 34 cinnamon rolls...

Monica made Pumpkin Cinnamon rolls for Conference Saturday as that's our yearly tradition of 2 years.  I don't see the tradition being broken any time soon :)

In the world of forgotten news I finally made good on Monica's birthday two weeks ago and bought her a chest freezer!  Now we just need to fill it up and we'll be baby ready!

In farther back forgotten news our shower sprung a leak :(.  I fixed it a couple weeks back:

The issue was that we had a gap between two of our tiles where the grout had basically gone away.  After re-grouting the tub everything's dried up.  We found the issue because I was mowing the lawn one day and Monica happened to be in the shower and there was water dripping out of our house... that's never a good sign.

In more recent news, our friends came to visit this week.  I took a picture of them frolicking in our back yard.  I guess they don't have their own yard at their place, cause they sure think highly of ours (and our tomato plants...).


On Saturday morning I went for a brief 9 mile run.  Once I got home we went over to the JV football game to cheer on some of the teachers in our ward.  Go Chap!  The boys parents noticed us and came by to thank us for attending the game.  We even had a short conversation about my morning run with the comment "I hope you're training for something running that far."  I responded that I was going to run a 5K next year.  I don't think they'll be trusting me to help their son with math any time soon after that comment.

Saturday was also Fall Fest at the local 17 mile farm (a historical site about a half mile from our house).  We walked over in spite of the heat, and pregnancy.  You could tour through the old farm house and the barn, which was full of old farmers tools, and they had a mini petting zoo.

In the house I kept seeing things that my Mom and Dad have at their house, gifted to them from my grandparents.  No doubt these items came from when they used to live on a farm.  As we walked through the house I made comments like the following to Monica: "My parents have a butter churn just like this one, except theirs fits in a glass jar, not a metal bucket."

When I made a comment about having a sewing machine similar to the following:

Monica replied "People are going to think your parents are 300 years old!"

Something new I learned in our visit is that wind mills were primarily used to pump water.  In the following picture you may be able to see there is a water pump at the base of the windmill.

I always thought windmills were used to rotate grinders, and you know, MILL wheat.  But according to the plaque next to this it said in the west most windmills were used to pump water for live stock and grain.

We got hot pretty quick and had to trek back home.  We cooled off with some ice cream from Costco though.  Being out in the sun all morning really took it out of us, so we recovered the rest of the day.

Currently there's a huge fly relentlessly flying into a window somewhere, and it's super loud, so I have some hunting to do.  I wish you all the best in your own endeavors this week!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I love Monica's comment about our parents' age! 😂
