Sunday, July 19, 2015

We're having a......

Hi everyone! This is Monica this time. I'm writing a guest post about how we found out the baby's gender because I told Alex he would not sufficiently convey our (okay my) excitement at FINALLY finding out if it's a boy or a girl!
I was actually supposed to write this almost two weeks ago....but well, you know, I'm just so busy hanging out at home right now!
So, Monday morning was the ultrasound. That weekend I was so anxious to just go and find out! I couldn't wait any longer! The night before I told Alex that he should wear blue the next day if he thought it would be a boy and red (he doesn't have any pink) if he thought it was going to be a girl. I decided that I was going to wear blue- not exactly because I really thought it would be a boy.  It was more because the week before I had been looking at little girl clothes and they were so adorable that it made me really want a girl! But I still wanted to be excited if it was a boy, so I wore blue to help me be more excited. Alex wore blue too!
So we went to the ultrasound and guess what?? We were wrong! We're having a baby girl!! I was so excited to be able to buy all the cute girl clothes, and do her hair, and you know just all that girly stuff!
Here's a picture of our little girl. (Alex posted this picture last week....but it's just fitting for this post)
Everything looked good so far and she's just the right size she should be so due date is still November 28th.
Later that day we did a video chat with my family and decided to fill up balloons with pink confetti and then pop them to tell everyone. Unfortunately it didn't work out as well as we had hoped. And then we took a picture of that to announce it to everyone else, and that also didn't work as well as hoped. Thanks Pinterest. But after about 43 attempts to get a good looking picture of it (using the timer on Alex's phone camera) I decided it was just good enough! You could see a little it got the point across right?? Here's the picture. Oh and now you know why we're both wearing blue in this picture too.

So there you go, it's a girl and we are SO excited! Alex can't wait to have tea parties and play dress up with her :)

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