Howdy all! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had a wonderful time here, and we even started our morning off with a 5k! We took both the kids with us, and this was Winry's first run without crying! I guess feeding her right before we started probably helped! It was a cold morning, but we bundled up the kids and everyone had a wonderful time, and we ran the whole way! It was a little rough at times as this is the biggest race of the year, and they funneled us onto a sidewalk, which made passing people quite bumpy in the grass, but we all made it through.
I wasn't home for this, but Monica may add some details when she reads through this. But I would guess that in this video Brooke is being a penguin! I know Brooke will stick things in between her legs and waddle walk like a penguin with an egg, so that's my guess, but the dress definitely enhances things!
Also, Brooke has been loving her bike. We've gone for rides a few times, and she's still very cautious and hasn't tried to take both feet of the ground, but she loves it and has a great time every time we go!
On Wednesday I went to grab the last of our Thanksgiving supplies, and as you'd guess it was nuts at the store. There were super longs lines at all the checkouts... except for the self checkout. I'm not sure why people fear this so much, but there was literally an open register to walk up and use while all the other lines were at least 6 people long... I won't complain though, it was great to get out quick.
I spent most of the day Wednesday playing with the kids. We were in the back yard a lot doing bubbles, popping them with a stick, and swinging. Winry joined Brooke and me out there, and Brooke just loves to swing Winry. Winry really loves when Brooke swings her too! We had a whole bunch of fun all day long!
Winry has also started to pull herself up to standing! She does this mostly on the couches, and I know you cant see her legs, but this picture was too cute to not be the example. She is very different than Brooke, and she's definitely much more of a risk taker.
Thursday morning as mentioned we ran the Parker 5k! It was a lot of fun, and we got these cool... things. I don't know what they're called, but they were nice for keeping our faces warm, and they're also nice for running on dusty roads too!
We had a Friends-giving and had a bunch of other people who were staying in town over to our house. In total we had 18 people, and it was pretty crazy, but a ton of fun! I tried to get a panorama with everyone, but I apparently turned my phone too fast and it's a little blurry... Oh well, it is what it is. Thanks everyone who came over, and thanks for the food you brought! I think everyone had a great time, and the food was wonderful!
Also, Winry has started drinking from a cup recently. I don't know if Thursday was actually the first time (it wasn't), but it's when I got a video. She'll just drink and drink and drink and then suddenly come off and take super deep breaths! I think it's so cute!!
Friday we headed out for some black Friday shopping. We just went to Target, and we found some great hats right inside the door! Winry really wanted it over her whole face so she could look like the Grinch.
Brooke was satisfied wearing her hat normally, and sure loves Rudolph!
Shopping was fine, nothing special or amazing. I did get my shopping done for sub for Santa, so now I just need to see if work does it again this year!
Friday night was also the tree lighting downtown! We went last year and really liked it, so we had to go again this year. While we were there Brooke spied a Santa cutout to take a picture in, and then she made us get pictures in it too! I'm glad she saw it.
The lights were very pretty, but I unfortunately didn't get any pictures of them. Maybe we'll go back sometime so we can get some pictures. The lights were very similar to last year, so if you look at those pictures it was probably about the same. Oh, there was also Olaf and Elsa there, but the guy that was Olaf was like... 7 feet tall, so Brooke didn't want to go by them because he was too tall and scary...
This past week I've been reading in Alma when Ammon and his brothers/friends go on their mission to the Lamanites. What has really stuck out to me was the righteousness of the Lamanites after they were converted. As new converts to the Gospel it is easy to see that they were examples to all others. They were true followers and disciples of Christ. As I thought about their example I definitely spent time pondering how I could be more like them, and thinking about where their deep conversion came from. I would encourage everyone to read about them (Alma ~20s). I know that as we align our wills with God's, and strive to learn more about Him and follow his commandments that we will be able to have greater peace in this life. Our doubts and troubles can be swallowed up in our joy in Christ, and our knowledge that through Him all things are possible. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.