Sunday, November 11, 2018

Uhh... We made sushi!!

Hey all!  Hope you're doing grand.  It's been a pretty nuts week, and I guess not picture-intense week.  We do have several cute pictures of our kids, but no real story to go with them, like this one of Winry, she's just being a cutie and playing in Brooke's room!  Also, this girl is (hopefully) mass teething this week!  I think both of her teeth broke through today, and I kinda hope we get a break before the next few come in.  She's been really sad and crying a bunch, mostly at night (also during the day, Alex just isn't home for it!!).  She'll get happy at various times during the day, but we haven't slept well for about 4 days now, and it's really starting to add up...  or maybe subtract down, I don't think this ends as a positive!  Anyway, she's doing great, and she went to bed no problem tonight, so hopefully her teeth pain is over for now.

Tuesday was election day, and Monica and I did our darndest to figure out who to vote for.  I think Monica said we lost all the big elections, but I don't actually remember, but at least we voiced our opinions.  Ah democracy, it's rather complicated, everyone seems to have something weird going on, and as soon as you feel good about someone, they lose... JUSTICE!  ;)

So, this past week Brooke put flamingo to bed in her bed, which you can see here, but really I got a picture of Brooke's new bed because I forgot to take a picture for like the last month!  I made this for her, and Monica painted and decorated it!  She loves her new bed!

On Friday night we had over some couples in the ward and made sushi!  It was a lot of fun!  Here's a caterpillar roll that Monica made!  I think everyone had a great time, and I think Monica and I definitely need to make sushi more, and probably experiment more with different kinds, etc.  After we'd all eaten our fill we then played Sushi Go Party!  Super great night!  Thanks for coming Cammacks and Dubois!

And that's basically the week.  Yeah, it was a pretty down week.  Lots of stuff happened.  Oh! I built a TV stand and wall mounted our TV to it to go in front of the treadmill.  That's been nice this past week as I did 3 of my runs down there at night.  Maybe I'll take a picture of that this next week.

Today was a little crazy at church.  Monica taught Gospel Principles because it was about family history (and that's her calling) and we had Winry and Brooke in there for a while.  Eventually I got Brooke to try out nursery if I stayed in there with her, and eventually I even got out too.  Anyway, in addition to all of that I don't know if my metabolism has been going crazy or what, but fasting is SO hard right now.  By 11-11:30 this morning I had no energy and even got dizzy a few times and had to sit down.  I was able to make it through church, but I had a pocket full of almonds just in case.  Anyway, with all the running around with kids and lack of energy church was kind of a blur this week, so I unfortunately don't really have something to report. 

In ward council today, which was one of the earliest things I did, we talked about the new Come, Follow Me program that is starting next week.  It was really great to talk about, and I am really excited to start the new curriculum.  We've been trying to make some changes to prepare, and I've been telling Brooke scripture stories at night before bed.  For the most part this has been going well, but it did have a rocky start.  The first night I told her about Daniel and the Lions Den.  The next night she didn't want to say her prayer at bed and I just figured it was because she was really tired, so I let her skip for the night.  The next night she said she didn't want to, and I told her she had to and she started crying.  I asked why and she said it was because she didn't want to be thrown into the lions den!  I felt so bad for her!  She was so worried she'd get thrown in like Daniel!  At least she was paying attention.  I explained that we don't have lions dens anymore to throw people in, and she's happily praying every night again and I'm being more careful with my story telling!

That's all I've got for this week.  Have a great week and we'll try to do something interesting so long as Winry sleeps well at night!

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