Monday, December 2, 2019

Happy Thanks-Giving Machines!

Hello and Happy Thanksgiving!  We had a great week out here even with the kids being sick.  Also, I just want to note that right now Brooke is "singing" to me, and I have to repeat every line, so who knows how that will affect what I type...  Anyway, this past week most of my family came into town to my brothers house for Thanksgiving.  There were some crazy snow storms that put a stop to some travel plans, and made some other traveling pretty miserable.  But while we were together we were happy!  We even went to the Giving Machines one day with everyone as they have them in Denver this year!

Last Sunday at dinner Winry discovered her love for ketchup!  On Monday morning, she "fell asleep" while eating breakfast!  And that afternoon Brooke was asleep and Winry really wanted to do some yoga all by herself!  From the looks of it I'm pretty good at yoga too!

On Tuesday there was a huge snowstorm and we got about a foot of snow!  I just kept it easy on myself and worked from home for the day.  Here's the storm going in the morning.

I opted to keep my run inside as well.  My treadmill setup is pretty good, so I typically do most of my running in the winter inside.  However, Jelly didn't want to give up her own turn on the treadmill...  So I had to wait in line.

Monica took the opportunity of being trapped inside to do some cleaning, and Brooke was thrilled to help.  She even cleaned all of the windows by herself!

While were were all trapped inside, Brooke worked on her karaoke with her new microphone she got for her birthday and was singing the new song from Frozen 2.  You can also hear Winry's very hoarse voice.  At this point both girls were quite sick, and Winry had called Gram on the phone and had to keep singing songs.  There was no stopping her, and she just kept sounding worse and worse.

Winry woke up at like 4 in the morning on Wednesday, and I was not ready for that.  She was having a rough morning, so we turned on T.O.T.S. which is her and Brooke's current favorite show.  When Brooke woke up she joined us on the couch, and I woke up every 20 minutes or so to start the next episode.

The next morning both of the girls were pretty sick and coughing a whole bunch in the morning, so we took them to the doctor.  Winry had croup, which wasn't too surprising based off how she sounded, so she got medicine.  While at the doctor all of the misery of the morning was forgotten and the girls had a wonderful time and were talking to the doctor and dancing and just had a wonderful time.  Fortunately they both coughed many times, so the doctor was able to believe us.

We stopped for bagels for a late morning snack afterward since the girls were so good.  They had a little coloring corner at the restaurant where the girls sat while we waited.

We were all supposed to go join my family at the butterfly pavilion at 11, but with Winry being as sick as she was, she and Monica stayed home, and I took Brooke.  We had a fun time and saw some pretty cool looking butterflies, like these blue ones (only one has it's wings open).  Also, look at all the snow!

Brooke was really excited by the pill bugs in the Colorado Backyard exhibit.

And we got a picture of Brooke and her unicorn at the butterfly cutouts when we left.  We ended up getting there late with all of our doctor shenanigans in the morning, and so we saw the rest of my family as they were finishing up, and then enjoyed our turn exploring the facility.

Brooke also got a really good picture of me and unicorn "pretending to be butterflies."

After we finished we headed to Tyson and Tina's for lunch, and to pick up my sister Niki once she arrived.  She was supposed to have a flight the day before, but it was cancelled because of the storm.  She came back with Brooke and I so that she could run the Parker Thanksgiving 5k with us the following day.  It was pretty cold, but we all bundled up and were ready! Monica ended up not running because Winry wasn't doing to well that morning, so she stayed home with her. Winry ended up taking her nap at 7:45 that morning instead of the normal good thing they stayed home!

She also got a picture of Brooke and I as we were preparing to get started.  Also, I attached my camera to the stroller and got a time-lapse of the race.  Unfortunately, I turned the camera down a little during the race, and it made the video much worse until I turned it back up.  Lesson learned for next time.

After the 5k we cleaned up, loaded up the car and headed back to Tyson and Tina's house for Thanksgiving dinner!  It was a lot of fun to all be together, and things weren't as crazy as you'd think they'd be for having about 30 people there.  There was even enough calm for naps in the middle of the room.

After lunch/dinner we just stayed and all hung out together for the rest of the day.  Winry got... cuddly, I guess is the best word, at some point during the day and rubbed her face all over Monica's foot.

Later in the evening we went out for a little Black Friday shopping.  I must admit, it was pretty tame.  I think that a lot of deals got pushed online this year, and I know Monica got a bunch of emails in the morning saying things like "black Friday starts now, online only!"  It seems like a lot of people probably did their shopping earlier in the day online, so the craziness was at a minimum.

On Friday morning we met downtown at the Giving Machine!  We let the kids pick a couple things that they wanted to get from it, and then went to smash burger across the street for lunch.  It was a lot of fun.  I think it's a little more interesting to get to see/know exactly what your donation is doing as well.  The Giving Machine here in Denver is located at Writer Square, and you can find more information about all of the Giving Machines here.

On Friday evening we were going to go to the Parker town tree lighting, but on the way Winry had a really bad coughing spell and was almost throwing up in the car, so we had to pull over and take care of her and missed it.  That's okay though, we'll go down and see the trees some other time in the next week or so.  We were planning to get a Christmas tree after, and once we got Winry back under control we all headed out to get a tree.  King Soopers had trees 20% off for the weekend, so it was now or more expensive later.  Here we are in Luna with a tree tied to the roof!  I guess putting a tree on a Corolla is getting to be common, because I forgot to take a picture of the tree on the car.

However, we did get a special branch, and so I did take a picture of that.  Monica said it "wasn't distracting" so it was fine.

An hour or so later, our tree was decorated!

Friday night after the kids went to bed, Monica ran out to Costco to check on the sales.  Good news, there was a lot of chocolate on sale, and it tastes very good!  It wasn't snowing at all when she left for Costco, but by the time she came out half an hour later, the snow had decided to start dumping

On Saturday I was asked to decorate the outside of the house, however, as you can see the rain gutters were a little bit icy.  This was a more interesting picture than the gutter up high, but those were full of ice so I couldn't get the clips in to hang the lights.

Brooke and I did put up our big ornaments on the tree outside.  We only have one tree in the front now, so it got all of the ornaments.

We had my family down for dinner that night to show off our basement.  We had 14 people over!  Dinner went great, and then my sisters and mom showed us picture form their recent trip to Antarctica!  To steal a joke from T.O.T.S., it was SNOW cool to see all of their pictures!

We all had a great time together, or at least I had a great time while everyone was here.  We even had a group macarena with the flamingo!  After people headed back home Winry wrapped up a kitty in the blanket and sang to it to get it to sleep!  The best part is definitely that the blanket basically completely missed the kitty, and that she's holding it up by it's head!  Winry also loves to play with hair clips, and like to open and close them over and over.

Today we headed up to church with Tyson and Tina's family because Tyson got called as the bishop!  While we were driving up Winry kept saying "I want Megan!"  She was very excited to get to play with her cousin once we got to church, and spent most of sacrament meeting sitting on her lap.

We had a wonderful week out here with family.  I'm glad that everyone who traveled was able to do so safely, and I hope that everyone heading home today will be able to make it safely as well.  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!

P.S. I wrote this whole thing on Sunday, but when I gave my computer to Monica to proof-read it my computer died... so we're a day late.

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