Sunday, March 22, 2020

Adjusting to Life Indoors

What a great week!  We did much better at keeping busy this last week, or at least we took a lot more pictures! :)  Whatever the case, we had an excellent week despite staying in the house for much of the day and never really getting to go places.  It did snow this past week, so we just had to go in the backyard and have a wonderful snow day!  There were a lot of snowballs thrown at me, and a lot of sledding!  We tried to make a snowman, but once a snowball got big enough it just crumbled apart.

Winry continues to take care of her stuffed animals, and has started to sing a lot more recently.  She's learning a lot of songs really quickly, and it's wonderful!  In fact, right now while I'm writing this, she's just waking up from her nap and singing to her stuffed animals in her crib!  This past week she was singing to "Mouse" while he was going to sleep.

Monica had the excellent idea of setting up bins of stuff for the girls.  We finally got out the kinetic sand that we gave Winry for Christmas and they love it!  They can play with the sand for hours!  When Monica first got it out and they started playing, Brooke said "I could play with this for 14 hours!"  Over the past week, it was probably at least that long.

On Tuesday I was downstairs working when Brooke came down to say hello.  And why wouldn't I expect her to be in a flamingo costume?!  She wore it for most of the rest of the day.

Brooke's dance company has had to temporarily suspend dance classes with all the COVID-19 stuff going on, however they've started being very active on Facebook.  They post multiple times a day asking for the kids to do various activities and showing them dance moves to practice with them, etc.  They're also going to post up the recital dances to practice at home and are trying to figure out a way to do the recital if at all possible.  One of the things they asked was for everyone to draw a picture of something that makes them happy, and Brooke drew a picture of her Lego picture frame she got from our ministering brother, Bro. Roper!

Wednesday involved both Skittles and a science experiment.  The girls put the Skittles on a plate and poured in water to watch the colors run.  They really enjoyed this, but that might be because they got to eat Skittles as well.

On Wednesday I decided I'd start taking a break from the work day and take the girls for a walk.  This is great for all of us because the girls really love to get out of the house, and I really need a break and enjoy some fresh air too!  Especially since this has been my off week from running, I really needed something.  Anyway, here we are out enjoying the nice weather and having snacks on our walk on Wednesday.

On Thursday Brooke and I did her tap video together.  Nothing says tap dance like socks, am I right?  It was fun, and it was nice to get to participate with Brooke as well.

We of course went for another walk on Thursday, because I couldn't give up a new habit after just one walk, right?  Well, this is what our walk looked like on Thursday...  Basically the same conditions, and on the first day of spring no less!  After taking the picture below I taught the girls they could hit the rain cover to knock the snow off so they could keep seeing while we were out.  That probably made the rest of the walk much more enjoyable for them.

Thursday afternoon we got a mystery package.  It contained some TOTS toys for the girls from Oriah and her family!  The girls loved it, and it was a great surprise to make being trapped inside better!  The girls even played TOTs for the rest of the day.

Friday morning we went to the gym for some yoga!  I am pretty impressed with how well Brooke will follow along, and it's so cute when Winry gives it a try too!

Once we were ready for the day on Friday the girls got to do potion bins!  There was colored water, baking soda, vinegar, glitter, shaving cream, and various other things in there for the girls to mix together, along with a bunch of bowls, cups and measuring spoons.  I feel like this took a little to warm up to, as when Monica first put the bins down they asked what they were supposed to do.  But once they got going, they did this for the rest of the day.  Winry completely soaked her pants and just kept sitting there playing.  Winry LOVES to pour water right now.  In fact, during her bath last night she just poured water from a cup into a little whale shaped cup we have and watched it drain out the holes in the bottom.  Anyway, the girls have asked to do this EVERY DAY since they first tried it.  This ended up being a huge hit.

Winry got tired right around nap time, and I wrapped her in a blanket and she snuggled on the couch for quite a while.  She never fell asleep, but also didn't take a nap...  Looks like that might've backfired.

Friday afternoon we headed to the backyard to play in the snow.  Everyone had a great time, as I mentioned before.  Brooke did some sledding by herself on the steepest part of our yard.  We finished off our outdoor fun with me pushing Brooke across the yard on the sled.

We ordered Chinese food that night for dinner.  They do free delivery, so we had them bring it over.  When Monica placed the order they told her it would be about an hour, and sure enough, it showed up 15 minutes later, just like every other time we've ordered from there!

After dinner we all played Mario Kart together, and had a wonderful time.

Winry got a real controller for the first time, and she did great.  The main problem with her having a controller is hitting "bad" buttons, such as pausing the game, or hitting the home button and exiting the game.  We only had one such issue where she held down the pause button, but she did great just using the joystick and using her items!  We definitely had some great family fun!

Saturday we attempted to go through our 72 hour kits.  We have them in backpacks so they are easy to take with us in an emergency.  Jelly was really excited to find an empty backpack and decided to call it home.

I did some grocery shopping on Saturday, and I hoped that Costco had finally calmed down.  It looks like it has, and I was able to find everything I needed for the next week.  I did notice a few changes since my last visit, such as the "social distancing" lines at the checkout which were to keep people 6 feet apart while waiting.

I spent most of Saturday cleaning the house.  I cleaned all the bathrooms as wells as the girls rooms.  Brooke noticed I organized her shoe rack and was so grateful she had to draw me a picture to say thank you.  There's a heart, and then "BROOKE", and then a picture of Brooke and I dancing, and then "LOVE", and then a pokemon book showing Pikachu on the left, and Ash on the right, followed by "BOOK"!  Love it!  What a great thank you! And Brooke spelled all of those words on her own!

As I went to make dinner Saturday night I checked on our asparagus and the water it was in in the back of the fridge froze!  Fortunately I was able to just pull them out, but it was pretty funny.

Pretty great week!  Not pictured in here, I've also started backing up a bunch of DVDs to our NAS.  The NAS can stream videos out, so we can just watch them from a web browser.  I've been putting on cartoons from when I was a kid.  When I was in college I started hosting Saturday morning cartoons in my apartment and picked up a decent collection back then.  Maybe I'll try to get a picture for next week once everything is in there.  I might stick our movies on it as well.  Guess we'll see.  Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good time and a safe time.

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