Sunday, July 31, 2022

Grayson's Week

Well, I'm not sure exactly how this happened, but Grayson seems to be the star of this week.  Obviously the girls have still been here, but I guess things were just new and exciting with Grayson since he's the youngest.  Grayson still loves climbing all over anyone he can get on.  In fact, just this morning, Winry dropped a Lego on the floor, and I was helping her look for it.  While I was crawling around looking under things Grayson ran up behind, climbed on my legs and started pushing on me for me to go down so he could keep climbing up.  He's also really enjoyed running around with a blanket over his head.  There are times he definitely can't see anything, and it's pretty impressive to watch him maneuver around the room he just saw.  He doesn't slow down very much.

Excitingly, Monica and the kids got to go to the museum on Friday!  We haven't had a pass since COVID started, but the kids still remember it and miss it.  We've gone a few times since our pass expired, usually on a discounted day or something.  This time Monica had checked out a pass from the library, and it got 7 people in, so the Cammacks came along too!  Again, that was Friday, it was just the most group picture I had, so I stuck it first.

Grayson continues to have his nightly baths.  His skin has been looking basically normal recently.  One night things ran long and we figured we could skip his bath, and his skin immediately started getting worse, so we're back on the every ay schedule, and I've stepped up my lotion game as well.  Anyway, he's usually happy in the tub, but sometimes we have to look for a new game, like sticking on suction cups!

Grayson gets real excited during bed time.  After his bath he usually wants to be put in his crib, which is great because then he's contained when I need to put on lotion, get him dressed, and get his toothbrush for him, but he does his best to make it difficult while being in a small space.  He's always rolling and diving and burrowing.

We're back to Friday.  Everyone has a great time at the museum, and I guess there are some new things since the last time we went.  There was a play area in the space exhibit that everyone really loved, and Grayson spent the rest of the time asking to go back to.  There's also a place you can watch rocket launches and the ground shakes and there's a loud rumble as they take off.  It's pretty fun and you can watch a bunch of different rockets take off.  In the video, Clara (the girl in the back) has light up shoes, and the rumble is enough to trigger her shoes while she's standing watching it.

Grayson was a bit mischievous, and especially so in the dinosaurs where he kept climbing up on to exhibits!  It was bad enough Monica just had to take him out and they missed there rest of it.  Brooke and Winry stayed and finished seeing things with Eleanor Clara and Hanna.  Good thing we weren't there alone.

Friday night is family movie night, and we watched Bluey this week.  Grayson really likes Bluey, at least the opening credits song, and does sometimes watch little bits of it.  He's not old enough to just sit and watch TV yet, but I was fortunately there for him.  He wanted to climb up and over me, so I helped him out.

On Saturday while eating a snack Grayson was balancing on the end of his chair.  He just came up with this all on his own.  I tried to get a video, but sometimes when you take a video he gets curious about what's on your phone and walks around you to see what's on your phone, and this was one of those times.  That also ended trying to hang on his chair, so I'm glad I at least got a good picture.

When we got home from church today Grayson was quite tired.  He took his bottle into the blanket cave and laid down to enjoy it!

And that's what I've got for this week.  I'm pretty surprised it ended up all Grayson.  Winry's been playing with Lego's all day today, Brooke got a new school backpack yesterday, there's been a lot of playing in the back yard this past week.  In fact, I actually had a really great time with the girls playing with the hula-hoop.  I'd throw it with back spin, so it lands across the yard and comes rolling back, and then we all race to try to be the one to grab it.  While we were playing that I scooped a beachball (also, back story of note on the beachball... we didn't but it, it was just in our backyard one day, and we've never been able to figure out where it came from) up on the hula-hoop and would balance the ball on the hoop.  Brooke was VERY impressed.  After I did it a few times she said "Dad, you have been practicing magic!  You are sticking the ball to the hoop!"  Background on that comment is that she gave me a magic kit for Christmas.  I do really want to practice it, but I usually forget at night.  Anyway, cool magic back there.

One of our neighbors got a new dog, and it can jump their 5 foot fence, so we've seen a dog in our backyard a few times.  It doesn't come over if they're outside, and always comes back when they call.  They've called a fence company, but in the mean time the dog is very friendly, and hasn't caused a problem yet.

And I think the last bit of news I can think of (good thing we free formed away from pictures!) is that I have been abnormally tired lately.  I have no clue what's going on.  I think I've been getting enough sleep, but it's reeked havoc on my running plan over the last month or so, and today I just never felt like I could wake up all the way.  I decided to cut my running training plan a week short and so I finished up yesterday, and hopefully taking a few weeks off will help me feel better.  I'll probably focus on going to bed early as well.

Anyway, I think that's really everything, unless Monica want's to add a P.S.

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