Sunday, December 3, 2023

Winry Loses Her First Tooth

Winry's tooth came out!  Sometime last week Winry showed us that she had a wiggly tooth.  She was pretty worried at first about it falling out at night and losing it or swallowing it, but not so!  In the end Monica pulled it for her, and she was very excited.  She's really excited for her new tooth to grow in as well, but has a nice gap for now.

And while on the topic of Winry, Monica caught her jamming out to some Christmas music this week.  It's even Jingle Bells which is Grayson's absolute favorite and an instant classic here this year.

Having aunts here was great for Grayson on Monday, because he got all the attention while the girls were at school.  This included a giant marble run, which is his favorite toy to play with right now.

He had a lot of gratitude to show for the great marble antics.

He had a lot of gratitude to share all around.

My sisters took off on Monday evening, but Gram was still here for a few more days.  That called for tacos for lunch, and one of the best smiles from Grayson ever caught on camera!

It looks like Grayson was pretty tired when it was time to pick up the girls from school, and he appears to have tried to take a nap on his steering wheel.  We'll have to keep an eye on this kid when he's getting to driving age...

Grayson still loves his Duplo train, and it's always out in his room.  He often wants to make impossible bridges, but I realized that the train pieces actually can connect to blocks, so we made some nice elevated curvy bridges one night.  Living the dream.

Here's a picture of Winry right after her tooth was pulled.  As expected there was a little blood, so she was taking care of that.  It was pulled in the morning before school, and they still made it to school on time!

Jelly found the ottoman open and knew a perch when she saw one, so up to the top she climbed.

On Friday night Cedar Park had a tree lighting, and so of course we went!  They had a living oak that was super lit up really cool.

There was also a fire truck that we could climb in and see.

And we waited in line to see Santa as well.  It was pretty fun, though we did spend most of our time in lines because we wanted to see the big things.  There was a stage with performances, and we were able to see that from the line.  The girls really liked watching the dancers, and we were all excited to sit with Santa.

Saturday morning was our ward Christmas party.  They had food, and we wrote letters to the missionaries, and we made Christmas trains.  Oh, and we all wore our new matching pajamas!  It was a really fun morning.

After the party we headed to HEB to get a Christmas tree.  We found one we liked, and then the girls helped pull it through the net stuff to keep it safe on the car.

When we got it home it was time to get it decorated!  I'm just realizing I never got a picture with it done... and I guess I don't actually think we quite got everything on yet.  But the tree looks really nice so far.

And I think that's a wrap.  We're working on getting all our decorations up for Christmas still, so look forward to the good progress next week!

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