Sunday, March 31, 2024

Hoppy Easter

Happy Easter!  Not only did we have a great week leading up to the Easter weekend talking about Jesus and His life, but we also had visitors over the weekend!  Oriah came down with her boys, and brought my mom with her!  So that was a lot of fun, but we'll get into the details of what we did later.  After church on Sunday my mom took a picture of us in our Easter clothes.

Heading to the backyard again, work continues on the garden.  Digging up grass is not the simplest of tasks.  That said, our grass doesn't go very deep, so it's also not the worst grass rip up I've ever done either.  Brooke likes to help out, and Grayson's doing his best.

There's the garden layout plan.  The tools are permanent fixtures now.

Somehow we "rediscovered" piggy back rides this past week.  We never really do them, but Winry's been loving them recently.  This is the renaissance happening in the backyard.

Grayson and Brooke went to lunch with Winry on Friday.  Grayson had some... interesting clothing choices.  You might think the buff over his shirt is the main topic here, but my attention was drawn to those lovely tinker bell shoes.

Friday night we had a little fun with my VR headset.  I forgot to mention this story.  That's the problem with things you don't take pictures of, it's like they never happened...  Anyway, I went to an eye doctor for double vision and they did a bunch of testing, etc.  I haven't started therapy yet, but I asked about VR for helping, and they said they actually use VR headsets for a lot of things, and have apps I can use at home to help too, so now I have a Quest 3.  I haven't done much of it, until Jonathan got here and was very excited about it.  We got Grandma involved as well, and it looks like she's having a good time.

On Saturday we went out to see the bluebonnets while everyone was here.  We also tried to go the park, but it was fenced off, so we had to try another one.

While walking back to the car, Grayson wanted to walk on the parking stops, as he loves doing, and asked Grandma for a hand to help him along!  Buddies through and through.  I know Grayson was really loving their time together, and I also know a Grandma can't not love spending time with her grandkids!

After the park we did the only thing that makes sense, went for ice cream!  I mean, technically frozen custard, but it was SO good!  I love frozen custard, and writing about this, I'm feeling like it's time to go back!  Grayson loved it so much he did a little ice cream boogey!

Speaking of boogey.  I went to check on Winry after she'd been in bed for a bit, and when I came in she had tissues in her nose!  I was worried she had a bloody nose, but she said it was just runny.  Honestly, in hind site I'm just glad she took care of it all on her own.

On Saturday there was a big stake activity for all the girls 8 and up.  Monica and Brooke were a little late because of Brooke's volleyball game, but were there from about 9-3.  They had a good time and the highlight was Brooke being able to perform in 2 musical numbers and Monica 1. The activity included an almost 3 mile walk, but they didn't even get too tired.

Sunday morning we made Easter pancakes!  We had eggs and bunnies and caterpillars and footballs and even a Texas!  Many a request was made, and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

There was even an empty tomb request by Oriah.  A really good idea that turned out pretty well I think.  We also had an Easter egg hunt in the morning.  We do have a video, but not really a great picture of it.

At church ALL the kids got up to sing!  What!?!  Yup, Grayson sings with primary now.  He's on the left side of the pulpit, the girls are on the far right of the image.

Our visitors took off for home after church, and we were sad to see them go.  We had a lot of fun together and I'm really glad they came!  We spent quite a bit of our afternoon playing with Grayson's hot wheels track.  There's a picture in the manual of a jump you can get, and he's really wanted a jump lately, so we launched them into an Easter basket!

And what a better way to end the week than with Jelly, stretched out on the back of the couch and relaxed!  I think we could all learn a lesson about finding joy in the simpler things.  Thanks Jelly.

And that rounds out our weekly activities.  With it being Easter it seems an appropriate moment to bear my testimony of the Savior, and of his resurrection.  I am so grateful for the sacrifice He made for our sins.  I am so grateful that we can repent, improve, and ultimately progress.  I am grateful for the resurrection and that we we will all be able to live again.  I know that Jesus Christ lives.  In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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