Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Eclipse!

I have seen totality, and it was beautiful!  The big upside in our move to Texas is that the solar eclipse went straight through out backyard!  It was actually a pretty cloudy day, but fortunately there were breaks in the clouds at the time of the eclipse and we were able to see it!  It was fantastic, and I've definitely never experienced anything like that before in my life.  Also, in downtown at work it was cloudy through the eclipse.  I asked my coworkers about it after, and I was one of the few that got to see it because I stayed home for eclipse day!  Good thing too!

On eclipse morning, I found Winry hiding in the couch.  The cushions have clips on the bottom, and someone undid this one, and Winry thought it was really funny to hide in there.

I got things out for breakfast in the morning, and laid out a spread for our guests before heading to work.  I like these little signs Monica got, and we should probably use them more.

Here's the kid crew waiting outside for the darkness.  I'm honestly not sure if Grayson missed the eclipse.  He was out there with us, and we tried to get him to look.  He also wouldn't remember it anyway, so I guess that's less of a big deal...?

Here we are in the yard waiting for the totality.  We spent a lot of time standing and looking at the sun before we got the good sense to just lay down.

I like this picture that Monica got.  You can see how cloudy it was, so it was pretty fortunate we got to see it so well.  We were in totality for a few minutes, so I think there were times when the clouds blocked the view, but we got to watch when the moon first got into position.

It was dark enough that you can see that the street lights automatically turned on.  It was not as dark as night, but deep into sunset.  Also, as I was writing this post, something that caught my attention is how fast it got dark.  In Monica's video, at the start it is darker than daylight, but if you jump into the middle of the video you'll see it's SO much darker!  Pretty crazy.

After the eclipse, the Seawrights headed out for their long drive home.  Grayson was pretty tired after all of that playing, but insisted he wasn't tired enough to sleep.  Monica convinced him to at least snuggle in our bed, and he promptly fell asleep.

Tuesday morning, probably around 2 am, our next visitors arrived.  The Halberts came to stay for the week.  They came out from AZ to see the eclipse, and stopped at our house on the way home.  The kids played well together, and while they were here Nicole helped with all sorts of things.  She helped dig up more of our grass for the garden, mowed the lawn, and even taught the girls how to ride their bikes!  Apparently all they needed was a little shove. Huge thanks Nicole!

Tuesday night a big thunderstorm rolled in.  It was pretty crazy, with near constant lightning flashes.  We also had a warning for up to softball size hail, and I had to go to the church for a meeting!  Yikes!  I headed out early as it wasn't hailing to try to make sure I missed the worst of it if it came, and in the end no big hail came down around us.  There was some hail by the house, but I don't think there was any at the church.

Saturday morning I took Brooke to her volleyball game.  It was a lot of fun, and she had a great time.  In the afternoon, I took Brooke over to pick up a new used bike to make sure it was the right size.  She hadn't had much interest in a bike before, so when she needed a new size we went to Goodwill, and there was one rusty bike there, and we figured good enough.  Since she's actually been riding now, we figured we could upgrade her to something a little nicer, though I didn't take a picture... oops.  Both the girls are very excited about riding a bike, and just need to keep practicing to get a little more comfortable.

That's everything for now.  Winry is super excited to start riding her bike to school next week, so hopefully that goes well.  Have a great week!

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