Sunday, July 14, 2024

Jedi Vibes

Why hello lovely people.  It's a bit of a slower week, but sometimes that's good.  It's nice to have some time to relax and recover, and also it's nice from a writing stand point to not always see tons of pictures and stories and know it's gonna take a bit.  The last visit from Oriah she brought us this "the child" hoodie thing.  It's short, I tried it on, and it's definitely meant for kids and to be large like this.  Grayson loves wearing this, and I'll randomly catch him wearing it while playing, or getting ready for bed.  Any time really.

I caught Jelly gazing out the window.  I never saw anything she might be watching, just gazing into the backyard.

One of the local churches here had a summer Bible camp.  I'm not sure where the details originally came from, I believe the Ellers because I think that's who they went with.  Brooke and Winry went (and Grayson as long as he'd want to stay) and they had a lot of fun. 

There was a magic show at the library this last week, and Monica took the kids!  Everyone loved it and I heard all kinds of great things about it.  It sounds like he was pretty funny, and I got to hear the highlights of the tricks.

The garden is still booming.  I don't remember if I talked about this, but I put a drip line watering system in there before we went to Boston to keep it alive, and it seems like it's thriving.  We've been getting lots of tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, watermelon, and even a few peppers.  There's a few other things I've left out I believe, but it's doing well.

On Saturday Monica and the kids went to the church to practice a musical number.  While they were there it looks like they also practiced conducting in the chapel, and I'm sure Grayson was all help there on the organ bench.

Saturday night there was a ward luau, and after dinner there was a fruit sculpture contest.  Winry made this house, and she won an award, but I don't remember what it was called.

The moment you were waiting for has arrived!  That musical number which was practiced was also performed, and was WONDERFUL!  I loved sitting and listening to it, and everyone else appreciated me sitting and listening to it, as opposed to participating.

Brooke wanted to help Monica with dinner, and essentially made it herself.  She made these tostada bowls, and they were super delicious.  She even got them out of the oven on her own, which I think was a first.

We had a lesson about the Lamanites burying their weapons of war, and so we all picked something and buried a stick by the tree.  Well, that was the idea, Winry came back to the house with a stick and had buried her shovel!

I came walking in carrying Jelly.  I feel like there was a reason... maybe just that I like Jelly, that I came in carrying her, and I was photo worthy!  Yay!

Any who, that finishes up things for now.  Hope everyone is doing well.

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