Sunday, November 13, 2016

Princess Party

Hello everyone!  I hope you all are doing grand!  Things are going well out here, at least during the day!  Brooke has really started loving her blankey lately!  She pulls it in close and sucks her thumb every night at bed time.  Sometimes we bring it down for her to play with during the day, and she'll just randomly flop down on it in the middle of the floor and suck her thumb for a while.

Last Sunday morning we went on a walk, but it was quite cold, so we had to bundle up together to go on the swings!

Brooke has started to pull out the DVDs... which is not the greatest because then we end up with this every day...

On Saturday we were out and about all over.  We went over to the mall to pick up some stuff Monica ordered online from Carter's, because shipping to store is free, but to home is not!  While we were there we were fortunate enough to find earmuffs!

Then we went to Brooke's first Birthday party!  Monica babysits for a girl named Eve a couple times a week, and Eve wanted to invite her best friend, Baby Brooke, to her party!  Eve told Monica once that Anna and Elsa were coming to her birthday.  Monica thought it was childhood dreaming, but shortly after we got there so did Anna and Elsa!  It was pretty cool, they did face painting for all the kids and even had some stamps for Brooke.  They played games and taught all the girls how to dance at a ball.  They did a really great job with the party and it was fun to watch all the girls learn to be princesses!

Also, if you didn't know, tomorrow (11/14) is the Super Moon!  It's a full moon and also happens to be at the moon's closest position in orbit.  So if you've been thinking the moon looks extra bright recently, you're right!  Last night you could see light spots on the floor where the moon was shining through windows in our house.  I tried to take a picture of the floor, but alas, eyes work better than phone cameras, and it was too late to get our nicer camera.  But here's a picture of the moon through the window!

Brooke has also become slightly cuddly, but only with dad.  When she's tired and I hold her she'll lean up on my shoulder!  Progress!

And with that we're all caught up!  Hope everyone is doing super!

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