alrighty. Been a little, but alas, a story was bound to spring forth, right? Well this ones good too!
So i was walking home from school and at one of the lights i crossed in front of this car that was waiting to turn left, well when i got to the corner they guy driving rolls down his window and yells to me, "Hey, this girl in the back wants to give you a hug!!"
So i waited for the light to change and i crossed the street to the side they were turning to, and i waited for them to come around the corner. Well, he turned and kept driving and then quite a while down the road realized i was waiting, and at that point i want gonna walk all the way down there just for my free hug. So i just continued on home.
Well, they found me. When they pulled up a girl jumped out of the front seat and told me to wait and started explaining the story while her friend got out of the back. Guess when i walked by the car her friend said "wow, he's got the coolest hoodie! I want to give him a hug!" and so there we were, alone (if you exclude everyone she knew in the car, and UPS dude delivering a package, and the standard mail man) on the sidewalk. I gave her a hug, and... yeah, i already forgot her name. But it made for an interesting day no less!
Independence Day
10 years ago
That's awesome!