Wednesday, February 3, 2010

what is IPF?

... well, why does BYU have so many abrvs? Here goes my story about how i missed my friends soccer game. So i was leaving like 9ish... when it started, and i got there at 9 50... when the final whistle blew. So anyway, this story is also about the lameness of mental priming. For those of you who dont know that one, first you should read mind hacks(great book), and 2, its when your response is already conditioned. So anyway, all i knew was the game was at the IPF, and i was gonna be a surprising my friend! Well, sadly my freshmen year my friend played inter mural soccer, and he played at the fields by the RB. So i figured IPF MUST BE inter-mural playing fields... boy howdy... im wrong. so anyway, when i got up there all the lights were off (and yes i walked by the real ipf on the way but didnt look in) so then i called my sister and woke her up to see where other fields would be. She only knew of the ones up by the stadium, so i was on my way. Not happening there, again, all lights off. So i just decided to accept defeat and head home. while i was walking by the marriott center it hit me Indoor Playing Field (or possibly facility). Well i know right where that is. So i got there just in time to hear the ref blow the whistle and end the game. Oh well, at least i tried right? So all in all, it took me 50 minutes to make a 15 minute walk, i missed the whole game, and basically got there in time to say hi and walk home. EPIC FAIL!


  1. If you would have said, "where is the IPF?" i would have known that one. It is the Indoor Practice Fascility.

  2. yeah, but remember i had intermural playing field burned into my head at that time, and the abbriviation was kinda coming and going while i was walking around, anyway, it made a better story right?
