Sunday, November 13, 2022

Brooke's Birthday Party

Brooke's just about 7!  I think I usually say it's crazy when my kids hit their next birthday, but lately I've been thinking about it and I feel like Brooke acts very 7 already.  That said, I don't know that 6 and 7 are that different in my mind.  It's like when Grayson turned two, he was definitely much more of a 2 year old at that point than a one year old in my mind.  Winry feels very five as well.  Anyway, Brooke's birthday party was on Saturday and she had a spa party!  We had a good turnout and everyone had a lot of fun.

Some nights Winry can make things a little difficult for Brooke to go to bed, so sometimes she sleeps in our room.  But usually she doesn't sleep like this!

Monica and I turned in our ballots on Tuesday.  Monica thought to take a picture, I did not.  Also, Monica has her selfie camera set to mirror, so it's not my fault the text is backwards.

I don't even know what Grayson was doing, but he was having a great time with his blanket.  We do enjoy being wild together.  Speaking of Grayson being wild, he was also dancing or rolling around or I don't even know what earlier on that day.

Well, I guess I knew this day would come eventually.  But after struggling through building a 3d printer 8 years ago I'm finally back to 3d printing.  It only took about an hour or so to build it, and 30 minutes to get the details tuned.  That's a bit different than the day I spent building mine last time, and the month I spent trying to get everything tuned just right.  I'd say things have come quite a long way.

Grayson is getting back into peppers.  We had some and I figured why not give it a try for dinner.  It's been a long time, but he enjoyed playing with it and eating it, and ate about half.  That's a big victory for a vegetable these days.

On Friday, Igor, the guy I've been working on golf stuff with, was in town and came to say "hi."  We ended up going over to Top Golf and we set everything up and played around.  We showed it off to the people in the bay next to us, and had a great time.  It was my first time meeting him in person, and it was nice to finally get to meet him.  My program was running on the laptop.  The phone recorded the shot and calculated ball flight metrics.  They get loaded to a server, and then my app gets the shot data and controls a game on the computer (in this case PGA 2k23) to take that same shot.  We loaded up Top Golf in the game too.  If that catches your attention, and you wanna give it a try and have an iPhone, the app is called GolfTrak (it's in beta and the integration to PGA2k23 isn't released yet).

You may be wondering, why go to TopGolf?  If I'm working on the program, surely I can hit balls in my house?  Well, you're not wrong, but Jelly was being territorial...

Saturday morning we headed over to the girls dance studio as they were doing a service day.  There were a bunch of things to do, like decorate Christmas tree ornaments, a bake sale, and putting together kits for the homeless like Grayson is doing!  He even put everything in that bag all on his own!

Saturday afternoon was Brooke's birthday party.  It was spa themed.  They played spa bingo to kick things off.  After that they all got manicures.  Monica had nail polish and nail stickers.

During nail time there were also several hair-do chains.  People also were heading in and out of the backyard to play.  We had a yogurt bar with lots of toppings and other snacks out as well.

Here are most of the girls together to show off their nails.

After nails they all did face masks together.  A bunch of the girls also wanted to get some cucumbers for their eyes.  We also did presents and sang happy birthday and had brownies.  The brownie picture was at the top.  Everyone had a great time, and it was great to have so many friends over.  I knew many of them as they were from church, but Brooke also had friends from school over, and Aurelia, who used to live next door, was even able to make it down for the party!

That night Winry really wanted to paint my nails.  They got some kid nail polish that peels off at the party, so I let her use that to paint my nails.  She painted my nails twice last night, and she painted Michael's as well!

Oh wait, you didn't know Michael was here?  He got in a little after the birthday party.  All of the kids were VERY excited to see him and they've been having a great time together.  He's out here to go take care of his dad's estate, but the kids are going to take every second they can!

For dinner we had a whole chicken.  It was a pretty good thanksgiving prep meal, and we just had mashed potatoes and some vegetables to go with it, so much simpler.  It was REALLY good though.  It stuck with me enough that I'm writing about it here.  We just don't eat whole birds all that often.

Anyway, this morning Grayson came to say "hi" while I was finishing getting ready for church.  He was riding a flamingo!  He didn't keep it on for very long, but he was so happy while he was in it.

Today was the primary program.  The girls both had a part and did a great job, and they sang well too.  Winry was up in the front, and we were sitting in the front as well.  I may have distracted Winry a few times, but I got some really cute finger hearts from her.  In the picture below they're doing sign language with their song.  Brooke is way in the back.  We could see her, but it's too bad she didn't get to be on the front wall with Winry!

That's all I've got for this week.  It was pretty good.  Things are getting much more back to normal.  It's been SOOO nice having Monica be allowed to help with more of the cleaning, and especially that she can watch Grayson.  She's been doing physical therapy, and it seems like it's been going really well.  If she wants to give any updates on how things are going, I'll leave a prompt for it here: I don't think I have much to add, but what Alex is said is true! My back is feeling really good, and hardly hurting! For the most part life is back to normal and I think PT is really helping. 

Wow, great stuff Monica!  Glad to hear it's going so well, and that's crazy that <really cool reference here> happened like that!  (I'm pre-writing this before Monica hopefully fills in her part).  

I guess in health news, I'll mention that I've got something weird going on lately.  My eyes are losing focus.  Things have always been fine every morning, but sometime during the day things start looking off.  One of my eyes is looking slightly above the other, so when I look at a face I'll see 4 eyes, 2 sets stacked on each other.  I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm going to the eye doctor tomorrow, and hopefully they'll have great and helpful things to say.  And now, that's really all I've got.

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