Sunday, November 27, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving

Yay for turkey!  We had a great Thanksgiving this past week.    The cooking and preparation spanned two days, but was worth it.  The Chambers came over to have dinner with us, and we all had a great evening together.  Here we all are together.  Brooke was upset about something... which isn't unusual lately.

Rewinding to the start of the week, Brooke got to go to a hip hop/acro dance camp on Monday.  She had a lot of fun, and they spent the camp learning a new dance!  They worked on cartwheels and she's now spent the week practicing and has improved a lot! She had a lot of fun, so I'm really glad she went.

The play tent was still a hot item at the start of the week.  The kids were loving it, and they filled it up with blankets and stuffed animals and turned it into a cozy spot.  They also usually play it's their rocket ship since it's got all the space stuff on it.  I came to find Grayson and Winry in there with their legs poking out, and Winry was reading a story.

On Tuesday I believe, Monica met with some friends at a park.  The kids had a lot of fun playing together, and it sounds like Winry and Daniel were inseparable! 

I had work off Wednesday through the end of the week, so we celebrated by taking a ride to space!  It sure was cozy!  Also, with all the blankets in there, Jelly doesn't go crazy when she gets in.  Instead she'll climb in and take a nap.

There was lots of cooking and prep work on Wednesday.  Monica made two pies, cookies, and chopped up everything to be cooked Thursday.  It was a lot, and I did my best to keep up with the dishes all day long.  Grayson even came to help clean a dish from time to time if it tasted right.

Brooke went to the dermatologist this past week, and got to go to Wendy's for lunch after if she was good.  She did a great job, which is fortunate, because that means I also got a peppermint frosty.  It was pretty good, but not the best seasonal ice cream you can find.  As for the doctor, they put stuff on her warts called beetle juice.  It makes her skin blister, so I think the plan is you blister the skin where the warts are, and then the blister skin comes off and with it the wart.  She has another appointment in 3 weeks to see how things went.  She's had a few blisters come off already, and she had a day or so where it was decently uncomfortable for her, but I think it'll be really nice to have her warts gone!  I know she's really wanted that for a long time.

Meanwhile, Winry's just finding ways to entertain... I mean, to stay entertained.  I have no details on this one, I was just there for the show.  Oh, and Winry's in dance clothes because she went to a dance camp on Wednesday.  She also had a great time, and with the younger kids they do some crafts and things too.

Thursday was Thanksgiving.  I stayed up to put the turkey in, and it went in around 12:30 am.  It cooked a little more quickly than we thought, so we probably would have been okay waiting till later, but not until like 5 or something where it's just very early morning, so I'm glad I stayed up.  Anyway, the morning was mostly oven management since most of the dishes had been prepped the day before.  When the Chambers arrived we had dinner!  It was delicious.  After we made a big turkey on the wall.  The kids could trace their hand and write something they were grateful for inside to add feathers to the turkey.

Here we are decorating some turkey cookies to pass the time.  After a few hours we all had pie.  Monica made cinnamon pie, and tried a raspberry cream pie this year.  I think it was definitely my favorite pie!  The Chamber brought a pumpkin cheese cake with them as well that was also very yummy.  I took way too large of slices of everything, which I only half regretted.  

The next morning the kids table was still out, so when Grayson came down for breakfast he put out Thanksgiving plates on the table again!  It was so cute.  He wanted some goldfish, so Monica gave him the bag to get some, and the dumped out the whole thing!  We took some back, but talk about a Thanksgiving feast!

On Friday we started getting things ready for Christmas.  We went and got our tree from King Soopers in the morning, and decorated it and the house and hung up stockings.  I wanted to make sure Grayson stayed warm in style, so I may have borrowed a few of the latter.

Friday night is the mayor's tree lighting in Parker.  Monica was feeling a little over worked in her back, so I took all the kids.  They had a stage set up where they had performances throughout the night, and they turned on all the trees that were lit.  A kind sir offered to take a picture of us all together, so here I am with the kids... in front of... the port-a-potties...  I wish I'd realized that a little earlier.

The girls really liked when all the lights turned on, and then we wandered around the park a little.  They had ice sculptures scattered around, and some being carved live.  Santa was there, but we didn't wait in that line, and they even did a condensed Nutcracker on the stage.  The girls LOVED watching that!

On Saturday we had a garage sale.  We've been consolidating for a while, and it was finally the day.  I spent the day all over the place, moving things for Monica and playing with the kids, and whatever else needed doing.  Here's Grayson and I playing with the bubble machine.  He couldn't decide where he wanted it, and we kept moving it all around the front of the house.

Here's the garage sale in full force.  We had maybe around 10 people come by in total.  I don't know if there are cool ways to advertise to draw a bigger crowd, but we just put up a sign on the main road.  We still have a lot of stuff we'd like to get rid of, so maybe day 2? Or maybe Goodwill?  I guess we'll see.

Winry found a rolly-polly while we were out there, and she made a full circus course for it in the garden.  The girls also brought out a carrot for it to eat.  

Grayson booked it out of sacrament meeting because he was so excited for nursery.  Fortunately we made a clean escape, meaning we got out before most people got up from their pews, so he didn't push his way through legs and leave me behind.  Since we were first he got first choice of toys, and picked this car.  Pretty cool set of wheels for a pretty cool dude.  He was already climbing out of it by the time I left the room.

Winry gave a talk in primary today and she did a great job.  I helped her with it, and it was about Christmas.

I don't know if I've mentioned anything about my eyes, so I figure I'll throw out a quick blurb.  I think it's happened a time or two earlier, but starting about 3 weeks ago when I started back to work, part way through the day my eyes just lose focus.  It makes it really hard to read things, but my vision in each eye is clear and normal still.  I know because I close one eye.  I've been using that trick quite a bit lately to get through the work day.  I thought it might be caused by computer screens, but it doesn't seem like it as it also happens on the weekends, and usually starts around mid-day regardless of what my day was filled with to that point.  For the first bit I got a lot of headaches, and felt dizzy a time or two, but I think I've "gotten used to it" more or less and I haven't gotten a headache or felt dizzy much since.  I've already been to see my eye doctor, and he said my eyes are getting tired, but other than that were normal and fine.  Essentially it was useless.  I'll probably head to a different specialist recommended by a friend soon and see if they have anything more to say.  I just got some blue light filtering glasses, so we'll see if they help at all this upcoming week.

And with that, I think I'm out of things.  I'm going to go rest my eyes.

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