Sunday, August 6, 2023

Winry's Dance Camp!

Winry got to go dance camp this past week!  I believe this was at a different studio than the one Brooke did a week or so ago.  Gotta try 'em out!  I believe this is the current favorite studio, and Winry had a great time.  On Friday we got to go see the dance they'd been working on all week, but we'll get to that in a few pictures!  Here's her whole class together at the end of the week.

Last Sunday the girls spent some time doing Monica's hair.  She looked so pretty when they were all done!

I even got a makeover.  Turns out, when you have less hair, you get less bows...

And from Sunday let's jump... right back to Friday!  Eek... I'll try to be better with pictures, though I will say, for me during the week it's mostly a lot of work...  Oh, and as I'm typing this I remembered, there actually is a midweek story to fill in here!  Brooke and Grayson got to play with water balloons one morning while Winry was at dance class.  Our neighbor across the street gave us a big pack of them she got for her grandkids but didn't get used when they were over!  Sweet!  Now we have lots.

Anyway, back to Friday, we got to watch Winry's dance.  It was super great.  She was a little bit super excited, so she was really squirmy during the dance, but she still did great and it was a lot of fun to watch.  She hasn't quite figured out the shimmy yet though...

On Friday night Winry and I had a sleepover.  After normal get ready for bed things, we got to eat some ice cream!  After brushing our teeth, we then went to her room where we played some board games she'd picked out.  We had 4 in total, and we had a lot of fun.  We would have played Dragominos (pictured) again, but it was pretty late by the time we got through them all.  I slept on the bottom bunk in her room that night, and that mattress is quite soft.  That's not my favorite, and my back was feeling it all day long Saturday.

Speaking of Saturday, we made more progress on getting our house fixed up.  I installed shoe shelves in Monica's closet.  I also happened upon the lawn mower battery charger, so I finally got to mow the lawn, though it took 3 charges to finish, and we only have 1 good battery, so it may be time for a new lawn mower.  Our's has lasted us about 9 years, so I can't really complain.  It took long enough with charging that my final stint was in 103 degree weather, so I did not weed whack.  Monica had the kids "help" her as she put some shelves together for the play area upstairs, and I also ended up falling asleep on the couch!  What a day!

Jelly found some time to stretch out.  Funny story, despite having this large, and much softer couch, Jelly typically spends the night on the floor right next to the ottoman.  I guess it's a good place to keep watch over everyone?

And lastly, here's Winry ready to head to church this morning.  Not 100% sure why we have this picture, but I did think she looked pretty cute, so I included it! (She wanted  a picture so she could see her lipstick!)

In non-picture stories... I'm not really sure I have much this week.  Nothing is immediately coming to mind at least.  Ah, I also have a video of homemade pizza!  We got new propane tanks and cooked up some yummy pizza this past week, and it was some of the best we've ever made!  And with that, adieu.

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