Rolling back to last Sunday, the kids partied in the ottoman. This was during my family call. Grayson loves to go in there, but it became the place to be! If we pull out all the blankets, all the kids can just fit in together.
Brooke fell out the back of her chair this past week. Don't worry though, she had shin guards on, so she was safe!
We busted out the daddy saddle for the first time in a long time, and the kids had so much fun!
Monica took the kids to the Thinkery for the first time this past week. It sounds like there was a lot of fun stuff to do there. Specifically the kids seemed to enjoy this air blower thing.
There was no eating inside the Thinkery, but there was a park outside, so they went there to eat. There was this giant dragon statue thing out there that they really liked, and there were also a lot of bees, so in the end they ate in the car.
Monica took the kids for a walk this week (maybe this was a walk to/from the car at the Thinkery) and Grayson was riding in his car, holding Winry's hand.
We headed to the pool again last week. We still didn't bring the waterproof camera, but enough was enough and I headed into the shallow end with my phone. I was able to get the kids jumping into the pool and having a good time.
Monica and I switched phone holders because the kids LOVE to push me into the pool. Grayson thinks it is SO funny.
Grayson's getting pretty good with his floaties too. He was really loving laying back and relaxing on this outing, and he can roll back over to this stomach without his face going underwater. He looks so relaxed just chilling there in the water.
On Thursday we headed out to Dallas to visit Michael and Oriah for the weekend. On our drive we passed a truck on fire... I don't know what was in the bed of that truck, but it doesn't appear to like 105 degree weather.
On Friday I worked during the day while overhearing bits and pieces of a master plan. The plan? To water balloon Michael and I! I think I survived the ambush well, though I definitely did not stay dry. After the water balloons were all gone the kids went to the backyard to get hosed down while they jumped on the tramp. Biscuit really liked to play with the water too.
The boys taught Grayson a fun new game... punching. In it's current iteration it's pretty tame, so hopefully it stays that way.
I was exercising Friday night, and Biscuit figured that'd be a great time to play. He kept bringing his ball to me and dropping it somewhere by me the whole time I was exercising, and when I finished and was laying on the ground questioning my life choices he came and laid next to me.
As mentioned at the front, Monica and I took off Saturday morning for some anniversary shenanigans. We had a wonderful time at the temple, and afterwards went to... this place for brunch. I'm just realizing that I don't actually know the name of it. It was the restaurant in a hotel, and it was fancy. It was a fun brunch, and we ordered the tasting, so it was even 3 course!
We headed back after brunch and collected everyone to head to Buc-ee's! We were sending Marco Polos to the kids while we were out, and we asked Grayson if he wanted to wear his Buc-ee suit. Every time Oriah watched it Grayson would respond to it as though it were a video call, even though he could pause it. He was still watching when we got home, so we got to hear. It was so cute.
Grayson wanted to take a picture with the statue on our way out, and some guy saw us out there and asked if we could get a picture with Grayson since they both had Buc-ee suits! Thanks guy, you're pretty awesome!
Today we went to church with the Albrights, and afterwards had lunch together, and then a spot of ice cream before driving back home.
Don't worry, it wasn't just Grayson, all the kids had some.
As we were nearing our house maps seemed to be a little confused. It seems like it thinks our street is one way, so it was trying to get me to go the long way around the block...

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