What?! Snow day in Austin? You bet! And good thing it snowed too, because they called school 2ish days before! It wasn't a ton, but the kids had so much fun playing in what we got. There was a chance for up to 2-3 inches... maybe next year we can get more. It's kinda painful to write this, because it's gonna get close to 80 today...
The snow day was Tuesday, and Monday was a holiday. On Monday I was given a list of projects, so off to Lowes I went. When I was stopped at a light I saw that the waterfall had frozen! I wanted to get a better picture on my way home, and I was even at the front of the red light, but I just forgot...
My biggest project was to shiplap this white wall in the laundry room. Here's the before.
We didn't actually use shiplap board, because it's pretty expensive. Instead, we bought plywood, then I cut it into a bunch of thin pieces, and then left a nickel of space between the boards as I nailed them to the wall.
Ta da! Shiplap! I really like how it looks, and for the first few days it caught my attention every time I walked by. The plan is to paint it, and then put up some hooks. I also forgot to get caulk, so I still need to do that too.
The kids found the ukulele again, and we of course all know how to properly play that. It was the kind of music you just can't not dance to when you hear.
And Tuesday we woke up to snow! The girls got out first thing, even before Grayson was awake. There was a LOT of excitement for the snow.
Here's a picture of our backyard. The snow didn't fill in the grass completely, but the roads and sidewalks were completely covered.
We did everything in our power to bring the snow. The girls heard at school that the things you need to do to get snow is to: flush 3 ice cubes down the toilet at 3, 6, and 9 o'clock. Sleep with a spoon under your pillow, and wear your pajamas inside out. When Grayson heard, he actually ran and grabbed a handful of spoons and put them under everyone's pillows!
I had to include this one. Monica's phone auto "enhanced" this picture of Winry with a snowball!
The kids made some small snowmen while they were outside, and they helped Grayson make a wiggler like from Mario! They in general just had a good time being in the cold. We definitely miss getting to play in the snow. I guess that's not too surprising seeing how much fun we had in Colorado in what was essentially frozen ice blocks.
Grayson's penguin slide broke. I think this happened when we went out to Colorado right after Christmas, so it's been broken for a while. I tried gluing it back together, but the pieces have to flex and bend when you put them in, and it broke again pretty quickly, so I designed a new piece to 3d print to bridge the gap! Good news, it fits! I have made an update to it so it'll be better if we ever need to print it again.
On Wednesday morning I walked the kids to school, and most of the snow melted Tuesday, but there were still some remnants of snowmen!
Here's Grayson from preschool, working on writing his name.
On Saturday we had Winry's birthday party. We had it at our neighborhood park, and the kids had so much fun playing on the playground. We also prepared games and activities, like pin the horn on the narwhal.
We had cupcakes for all the kids and of course sang happy birthday. Then we opened presents after.
Here is the whole party crew. I'm so glad for everyone who could make it. Winry had a wonderful time, and I think everyone else did too. Thank you everyone who came and made the party so much fun!
When I put Grayson to bed he always wants me to stay in for a little when he first gets in bed and listen to a part of his story with me. He usually wants me to listen to one chapter of the book he's currently loving, like Zoey and Sassafras. He was all snuggled and and just looked too cute to not get a picture.
On Sunday evening, the stake did a primary choir-side, and all of the primaries in the stake sang a song. One kid from each primary also bore a testimony, and Brooke was picked from our ward!
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