Sunday, February 2, 2025

San Antonio Saturday!

We headed down to the temple in San Antonio on Saturday morning!  Monica and I enjoyed our time inside, while we swapped turns hanging out with the kids outside.  I had a great time, both in and out of the temple, and we'll chat about it more later.  Since you can see the water in the background here, and I didn't have a good fountain picture later, I guess now is a good time to say the kids did enjoy touching the water, and making swirls and stuff.  No one fell in, so it was all good fun in the end. 

Now, of course our week didn't start on Saturday, it instead started with Grayson, hanging a grape on the cashews.  Or at least that's how I remember the song going!

Monica grew two colors of cauliflower, I think green and purple, and purple was ready this week!  We ate it later in the week, and it was GREAT!

I went to the dentist this past week, and the one I tried out had a rooster that roams around.  It made it a pretty fun appointment.  I will say, it took a LONG time.  I was there for 2 hours.  I don't know if this was a new patient thing but if it's an every time thing I guess I'll have to find a new dentist.  They were also having issues with their computer not letting them log in, so hopefully it was just that...

On Friday night I had a sleepover with the boys!!!  Connor's family was in Utah visiting family, so Isaac and I came to keep him company.  We had so much fun!  We played some video games, watched a movie, and even snuck in a card game before bed.

And in the morning, Connor made pancakes!  What a hero!  I even made him wake up early because I had to get home so that we could head down to San Antonio.  Oh, I also stopped at HEB to get some pizza rolls and bagel bites on my way over to have in the evening.  Those seemed like good sleepover snacks, and also seemed like food items I haven't had since the last time I had a sleepover... 18ish years ago.

As mentioned, we headed down to the temple.  I don't know what all happened while I was inside, but when I was with the kid we had a great time.  We walked around the grounds, and then Winry had to go to the bathroom, so we went to the distribution center (a small store that sells church related items), and while Winry was in the bathroom Grayson massaged Brooke's back.

We continued our adventuring outside, and there is a lot of stacked rock walls that the kids had fun climbing on.  I originally wanted to get Moroni right next to the kids, but he was much too small for the look I was going for, and there was a truck in the parking spot I would have had to stand in.

One spot on the grounds was not so steep, which made for an adventuring spot.

Once Monica made it out, we headed to the zoo.  Here's Winry chilling with the Komodo dragon.  The actual one was just standing right up next to the glass.

The jaguar was walking along it's walkway, and it's always cool to see an animal walking over people.  I guess it also feels like you can get a little closer this way too, or maybe it's just that you get a really good view, but I always love catching a view like this.

I think these were called squirrel monkeys, and they could definitely see us through the glass.  Brooke was eating some peanuts, and they took note.  I felt a little bad holding up the container by the glass, since it felt like I was teasing them and I definitely couldn't give them anything, but we also got to have a cool interaction with them as well.

Sunday afternoon, I took the kids to the park.  They really wanted to go to the zipline park.  It's a fun park, but it's super big and super busy.  I followed Grayson around the whole time, and fortunately, I was always able to find everyone pretty quickly whenever I walked around to check on everyone.  Winry spent almost the whole time doing the zipline.  Grayson and I wandered a little more, and eventually Brooke joined us and went on the swing with Grayson.

To finish off our time everyone wanted to do the zip line just a few more times.  It was a great way to end, and everyone had a fabulous time.

I'll admit that I had a little bit of a rough time this weekend.  Staying up late Friday night got my eyes into a hurty state Saturday morning, and even though I slept like 9 and a half hours Saturday night, I still didn't feel quite right on Sunday.  Also, I think Saturday night is the longest I ever remember having slept.  Quite the night.

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