Sunday, February 9, 2025

Party Time!

It's time to celebrate!  Why? I got a raise at work!  Yay!  I wasn't expecting it at all as I've recently been in chats with my manager about going for a promotion this summer, so I figured if anything happened it would be around then.  Anyway, we had to celebrate, which meant Noosa yogurt!!  Yum!

We had Grayson's preschool here on Tuesday, and it looks like there was some fun painting going on.

On Wednesday there was a scheduled protest at the state capitol building, and I happened to take a step out on the roof while they were walking by.  Nothing I saw about it said what they protest was about, and I didn't pick up anything specifically from the roof, but they had a police escort, so good job doing it the right way.

Wednesday evening we had a work dinner as we had everyone in at the Austin office.  We went to a nice place, and I got to try octopus for what I think was the first time.  The food was good, and it was fancier than what I'd normally get, so it was fun to try some different things, like octopus.

I took Jelly to the vet this week because she's only willing to eat wet food lately, and we just wanted to make sure she was alright.  Everything was fine, but she was not thrilled to be there and would have loved to climb back into her carrier if she could.

On Thursday, Monica left for a girls weekend in Florida.  I went to pick up Grayson from preschool, and one of the kids in his class was doing a little birthday party after school which we stayed for.  

Grayson had a lot of fun, ate a cupcake and hit a pinata!  Good times for everyone. Whack whack whack.

After the party, Grayson wanted me to walk through the trees with him to a clearing, and there were these colored bands tied to the trees that we followed.  I'm not sure if it was really a path to follow, but it did seem following the ribbons was the easiest way through.  We saw about 10 or so deer along our way too, but they ran off pretty quickly.

Over in Florida, Monica was partying with her friends.  She can add any comments about her weekend she wants included here.

On Saturday morning, the kids and I worked on cleaning all of their rooms.  The deal was once they were finished we'd head to the park, and so off we went.  I wanted to go over and see what the water front looked like at the park.  It was nice, but nothing really of interest over there, so we went back to the park to play.

After the park we headed to HEB to get the rest of the ingredients we needed for dinner.  At the checkout at HEB they'll give kids buddy bucks that you can use to potentially win prizes.  The kids all got three, and on Winry's last buck, she got an instant winner!!

We went to a counter to pick up the prize, and they let each of the kids pick one.  They were pretty excited.

We got home, had lunch, and then I set a 30 minute timer to clean the play room.  We finished before the timer expired, so we continued on to cleaning the bathrooms, and with all that amazing cleaning behind us, it was off to Andy's for ice cream!  We all got worms in dirt, which was good because Grayson dropped his when he tried to set it on the bench and so I was able to just hand over my gummy worms.

We played Mario Wonder when we got home, and then the kids played Mario Kart and Mario Party while I was making dinner.  Good times!

On Sunday we went to our neighborhood park, and spent a good deal of time on the swings.  Grayson really loves swinging on his tummy because he can get himself going and spinning all on his own.  The girls and I also enjoyed jumping from the swings.

And that wraps up our week.  Monica is coming back tomorrow evening, and then things will get to go back to normal again.  I had a fun weekend getting to hang out with the kids, though it was a little crazy having to do all the things, but definitely a good weekend.

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