Yesterday was leap day! Apparently this is my equivalence to new years... For whatever reason as leap year rolled toward me I decided I'd like to start taking more pictures. I decided to start carrying my camera with me and snapping pictures of whatever is happening, and then to maybe start blogging again. Figured this would be a good way to save the highlights of whatever I'm up to... and let's just pray that sometimes that's interesting.
In other recent news I've decided to finally be serious about running and I started looking at actual training schedules today. More on this to come as I nail down exactly what I want to do. So that's the other half of my leap day resolutions.
So now you may be wondering, do I have pictures for today? The answer to that would be yes, yes I do!
Snow covered berries!! Manly I know. I let Brooklynn take some pictures while we were out a walkin in the snow storm this fine evening. She enjoys close ups of snow on plants, so I gotta throw the picture up right?
While we were out and about it came time for snow angels, which Brooklynn bravely volunteered to do.
I affectionately stepped on and broke the angels left wing whilst giving it a halo...
After the snow angel we played a rousing game of "try to get your head up" in which I got dragged all over through the snow. Below is the evidence... So sad... So cold...
Anyway, that's all for today. This seems less entertaining than in the past, but I suppose that's how life rolls sometimes. Anywhoot, I'm out!
Independence Day
10 years ago
That is funny. She made a really good snow angel... not sure why mine never seem to look like that. I was so happy to see that you blogged!!!!! And I'm also really glad you played "Try to get your head up". I laughed out loud when I saw that you played that. :)