Sunday, June 16, 2024

Dance Recital!!

Oh yeah, dance recital time!  The girls have been working super hard this year and were very prepared.  They practiced their dance for us several times at home leading up to the recital, so the anticipation was high!  They took 3 dance classes, so they performed three dances, a jazz dance, ballet of course, and hip hop.  They were both super fun to watch and have learned and grown so much this year.

After their dance recital we stopped at Bahama Bucks on the way home.  It's a snow cone place, but they mix things in like gummy bears, oreos, etc. to keep it interesting.  It was pretty good, though everywhere was sticky from past spills!  You'll also see in this picture that Ashley came with us.  She did a summer camp that the girls went to last week, and they told her about the recital and invited her for our extra ticket.

Nom, nom, nom, garden tomato time!  Grayson really loves picking and eating things from the garden.

We went and swam at the pool this week as well.  I was going to stop and pick up pizza on my way home from work and meet everyone there.  The train stopped though and I ended up getting home a half hour late.  I still picked up the pizza, and we all had a great time playing.  Recently the girls have really enjoyed when I throw them in the pool, and There's a big "step" that is a kids play area in the pool, and I'll crawl around in there and the kids say I'm a monster trying to escape, and then run over and catch me and push me back into the deeper part of the pool.

Monica and I went on a date night out to Vigilantes, which is a restaurant that also has lots of board games.  The food was pretty good, and we were able to try a few new games while we ate.  It was a lot of fun, and I want to head back sooner than later.

Winry lost another tooth!  Her top front teeth are coming out!  The left one came out, and the right one is wiggling.  It's too bad it's not closer to Christmas!

Party party it's Father's day!  The kids were quick about getting ready for church, so we got to do presents and cards in the morning before church.  Then at church the primary kids went up to sing, and Grayson was by far the loudest!  It was amazing!  I got many compliments for him throughout church from all the people that enjoyed his singing and enthusiasm he brought to the song.

One item I got this morning was a volleyball net for the backyard.  We set it up and Brooke and I had fun playing volleyball and badminton for a while.  It was pretty hot, so we did things in bursts with time to cool off inside in between.  That's everything I've got for this week.

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