Sunday, June 2, 2024

Haircuts and getting SOOO Sick!

Haircut day came upon us, and Winry wanted a chop!  She wanted her hair to her shoulders, and I think she dropped about 8 inches of hair.  I'm now realizing this might not have been the hot topic kick off to the post I was thinking it would be...

In other news, Monday we took a trip to Buc-ee's.  The man, the myth, the legend himself was there, and Grayson and I snagged a picture while the girls were in line for the bathroom.

That trip may have been a little too much excitement for one day for Grayson, and he took a nice little nap right on the floor!

The original plan was to roast hot dogs for Memorial day, but it was HOT! So we didn't really want to spend an hour or two outside sitting around a fire.  We ended up just cooking things on the grill, and then roasting marshmallows over the stove.

We went for a walk that evening, and Grayson really wanted to bring our new umbrella we picked up earlier in the day.  Riding along in his car, he seemed very Mario Kart to me.  He was having a really great time.

Monday was Niki's last day with us.  Technically we headed to the airport early on Tuesday morning, but she said bye to everyone Monday night.  We're super glad she came out and spent some time with us!  It was a lot of fun.  Also, Monica and I were both varying levels of sick while she was here, and the extra help was amazing.

Here we are on haircut day, the moment you've all been waiting for since the intro.  Grayson was the main haircut target, and Bluey was the means of getting him to hold still, or, mostly still.

Here's Winry post haircut.  I think she's been really happy with her shorter hair since, though, as you can see in the picture, strands do come out of a pony tail up front and get in her food, etc. at times.  I don't think she minds, but Monica and I try to help her keep her hair food free.

And then overnight I got REALLY sick!  When I get sick I often feel really cold.  I was under a couple blankets and in a sweatshirt trying to sleep, and eventually got up to take medicine.  I was having pretty bad body aches, etc. and didn't really want to get out of bed, so it took some time to convince myself.  Anyway, after I took medicine things went CRAZY!  My heart rate elevated to the point that my watch started giving me active minutes, all while laying in bed.  I was in the 100-120 bpm range, where my typical resting heart rate is around 48.  It was a pretty crazy night, and I went to urgent care and got antibiotics first thing the next morning.

Here I am later that day, outside with the family.  Yes, I am in my sweatshirt I use in the winter in CO, and yes, it was in the 80's or 90's outside.  When I say I get cold when I'm sick, I mean I feel COLD!  If I remember accurately, it actually felt pretty okay outside and was chilly to come back in the house.

Grayson seems to enjoy being on the stairs, and currently he's just the right size to fit exactly on one.  I guess it makes a good place to rest in that case.

Sometimes at night Grayson really wants his door open.  We try to keep it open only a little, but sometimes he opens it pretty far, but so far we haven't had a problem.  He'll occasionally step out and we'll tell him if he doesn't stay in then his door has to be closed, and he'll head right back in.  He's really good about it, and eventually falls asleep.  Well, one night we couldn't find him anywhere on the monitor, so I went up to see how it was going, and he wasn't in his room.  We found him on the bottom bunk in Winry's room!  We moved his monitor in, and then later in the night he woke up, went back to his room, and started crying because his monitor was gone!  So we moved it back, and he's been sleeping in his room since.  Pretty funny to find him in Winry's room though.

The kids went to "jail" (that's what Grayson calls the gym) for the final time before their summer break.  The girls had a lot of fun swinging on the rope, and Brooke was working on her cartwheels (she did a triple in the backyard too).  I don't know what Grayson was doing the whole time... but I bet it was great.

The kids found a spider on the playground on Saturday.  I'm glad they let me know, because I don't know if I would have noticed before moving it.  The spider wasn't that large, but it had made a big web, and it looked pretty cool.  It was cloudy, and I couldn't get it to shine or anything to get a good picture of the web.  I tried to spray it off with the hose to clean it up, and it wouldn't come off, so I had to get a stick.

Grayson found a fly in the house.  We've had a bunch as the temperatures are warming up.  I don't know how so many get in the house, but there is a lot of traffic through the backdoor, so maybe that's it.  Anyway, Grayson got the flyswatter to take care of it!  Almost as effective as Jelly.

And that rounds out our week.  Monica and I are both taking antibiotics and feeling better.  Monica felt better really quickly after starting them, and I've been feeling better each day.  Here's to hoping for health next week!

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