Sunday, May 26, 2024

Visit from Niki and Last day of School

Niki came to visit this week, WHAT?!?  She came for the last few days of school, and then over Memorial day weekend as well.  While she was here we headed out for dinner at Blue Corn Harvest, and we even got seated at basically our own private little booth.  It was a fun dinner, and I had a great burrito.

Rolling back to Monday, I took the kids to the pool.  We had a fun time swimming, and Brooke even saw some friends from school.  As we were getting close to leaving, a turtle showed up next to the pool.  It fortunately didn't jump in.  I'm not sure chlorinated water would be very good for a turtle.

We did the honorable thing, and also the thing the kids really wanted to do, and carried it back over to the pond in the park.  That's where it had worked it's way up from.  It made us late for dinner, but Monica understood the plight of a reptile.

Winry was a super bike rider all the way up to the end of the year.  She also had some fun days, like the day they all wore pajamas and brought a stuffy and even got to have nap time!

There was an end of school sign up outside the school and Winry really wanted to grab a picture there.

The garden has been growing very well lately.  It's been almost two months, and most of this was planted from seeds!  We've got a bunch of cucumbers, green beans, pumpkins, peppers and watermelon growing.  I know there's some other stuff in there, but I don't remember all of it.

Niki joined us Thursday morning... at 12:30 am.  It was a bit of a late night picking her up, but at least there wasn't traffic!  Niki, Monica and the kids went to join Winry at school for lunch, which actually ended up being a little bit of an early morning for Niki!

We've been collecting green beans on the regular lately.  It's pretty awesome.  I think we've had them a few times a week if my memory serves correctly.

Here's Winry on her last day of school with her teacher!  She had a great year and really loved her teacher.  Ms. Pinilla was super great, and Winry is super going to miss her.

When Winry got home from school we were out waiting for her.  She, multiple times, expressed her desire to have confetti thrown over her head, so we obliged.  It was a fun homecoming with signs and some fun surprises for the kids as well.

The kids are getting close to their dance recital, and so they performed the dance in class!  Monica got a video so we could all enjoy.

Brooke has been choreographing her own dances.  She loves doing it, and I love her dances.  She taught one to Niki and then Brooke, Niki and Winry all performed it together.

On Sunday morning Winry got herself all ready for church on her own.  This included picking some nice jewelry including new bracelets from Niki, and doing her own make up!  I asked her after church if she got any comment/compliments about her make up, and she said no, but that's probably because "it was so good everyone thought mom did it."  Love that girl! And the makeup too.

After church we made soft pretzels again, but this time for lunch.  I didn't have meetings right after church, so I was available right away to make them.  We made pizza pretzels again, delicious.

We also made some in the first letter of each of our names for my family Nailed It competition.  Well, most of us made the first letter of our name, but Grayson made a T.  Monica thinks it was because he knows that letter.  I'm not sure if he knows any others, but he can fake "read" some stuff.  He really likes an album of dinosaur songs by Pink Fong, and I can show him my phone and he can click on the one he wants.

Niki definitely needed some snuggles while she was here.  Grayson was happy to oblige.  The real problem Niki had was that there wasn't always enough space around her for all 3 kids to crowd her.

Here's a GIANT cucumber we got from the garden.  Grayson does really love cucumber, but we do usually end up having to cut off his bites so we can cut them up for everyone else.

And here we are, wrapping up the week.  It's been a lot of fun having Niki here, and I'm really glad she came.  Unfortunately Monica and I have been sick, so on the one hand it's been nice having some help, but on the other hand I wish I had had more fun adventures to write about!  We did make a few trips to the dollar store, and to the neighborhood pool, and I've been staying up too late chatting with Niki each night... oops.  Anyway, we've still got a little more time together, but we'll cover that next week!

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