Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day Monica!  Look at all those smiling faces!  I'm so grateful for Monica.  For the great care she takes of the children, for all the work she does around the house, for being an amazing mother and wife!  Happy Mother's Day!

Hey-o hey-o, rolling back into the week, Monica took the kids to the park.  While they were there a whole swarm of turtles came out of the water.  If they approached too close they jumped back into the water, but at least they came out to say hi!

It's been getting HOT this past week.  That means the splash pad came out!  I think it was on a little too long as the yard was pretty water logged after, but the girls had so much fun!  Grayson was out there with them too.  I don't know if he played in the water with them much, but he loves being outside.  The girls loved sliding across the splash pad and spinning too.  Even synchronized

As mentioned, Grayson's been loving playing in the backyard.  If it's not the water, it's the garden.  He checks the tomatoes pretty much every day, and this week he's found a new obsession, BEETLES!  We had to have a little talk after he smashed one because "it was walking and he didn't want it to," and since then I think he's been playing nicer.  He likes to put them in buckets or empty plant containers, and has started collecting dead beetles to make sure they stay where he puts them...

Speaking of the garden, our first cucumber was ready to pick, and Grayson did the honors.  He also dug straight into it.  He LOVES to eat anything that comes out of the garden.  I guess we should try plopping whatever Monica cooks for dinner out there one night and say it grew on something and see if he'll eat it.  Not a terrible idea to try...

I took the kids to the park on Saturday.  Monica had a choir practice, so we had some fun.  We specifically went to the park with the zip line, and I got Grayson to ride it for the first time.  His very first time he actually held my hand and I ran along with him, but he rode it a few more times after that too.

Saturday evening we had a birthday party to attend at our neighborhood pool.  It was a lot of fun, but the water was quite cold, and it was pretty windy, so it was very cold to get out of the pool.  Here's Grayson having a cupcake.

After cupcakes we got back into the pool, and I got in to swim with the kids.  I tried to swim around constantly to warm up, but I never did.  We still had a good time, and it was my first time back in the pool this year.

Sunday morning someone drove into the power pole in front of the church building and the power went out, so church got cancelled.  For Mother's Day we (the Elder's Quorum) were going to do a brunch for the relief society sisters, but the church was no longer an option.  I stopped by the church in the morning, and here are the workers working on the power pole.

With church being cancelled we offered our house as an alternate venue for the brunch.  It was raining all morning too, so parks were not an option.  We were planning to use the paper goods at the church, so the kids and I went on a journey for plates, cups and napkins!  We brought flashlights to use and the kids had a fun time finding everything we needed.

The brunch was a big success and we had around 30 people come over.  Everyone had a great time.

We got to do the sacrament at home, and so we did some church around that as well.  We bore testimonies, and Brooke gave a little talk, and the kids also sang their song they were going to sing in sacrament meeting for Monica!

That night after the kids went to bed I prepared a charcuterie board of desserts for Monica.  What a stud.

That night there was the big solar storm, and my sisters saw the aurora in Utah.  It didn't make it down here to us in Texas, but we're really far south so it would be pretty crazy if it ever made it here.  Anyway, I really liked this picture with the Aurora over my parents house! Sweet!

And that finishes up the week.  I hope all the mothers out there had a fantastic day!  Thank you for all you do!

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