Sunday, May 19, 2024

Monica's Choir Concert

Monica had a choir concert on Monday night!  I took Brooke with me, but Winry stayed home with the babysitter since it was a school night.  We didn't end up getting home till around 10:30, so that seems like it was a good idea.  The concert was in downtown Austin at the Long Center, and here we are outside after we reunited with Monica.  Unfortunately, all our group pictures had the building lights behind us with those nice shooty glairs.  The concert was super great, and Monica did an amazing job!

While Monica was gone there was a really big rainstorm.  I went out to enjoy it and noticed that our rain gutter is clogged.  Call it a hunch, but I'm feeling pretty good about this one.  It's probably full of beetles or something, that's where they all went.

Here was Brooke's and my view for the concert Monday night.  I got balcony seats.  Brooke and I both really like the balcony.  There's just something about it that's kinda fun!  Anyway, Monica did an amazing job and it was fun to get to see what she's been working so hard on!  I'm really proud of her.

For this next image, I believe this is that the school had a time when Monica and the kids could come and see some of the work Winry did throughout the year. It was during lunch so they got to have lunch with her and she brought out a snapshot of my year bag.  It had a collection of projects she's worked on over the year which is pretty cool.

Monica got a new water table from Costco this past week, and Grayson's been loving it!  He really missed our old one ever since he threw our bubble machine into it and the batteries shorted and leaked into the water...  When the water finally dried the whole table was covered in brown stuff... so yeah, the new water table has been a hit.  And it came just in time for hot weather.  It's starting to get up into the 90's now regularly, which is too bad... but Grayson will spend hours a day out in the backyard playing in here.

Thursday when I started my walk to the train there was a light rain.  Well, that picked up quickly, and I got DUMPED on!  The storm was bad up by our house too and I got a text from Monica asking if I could call because Winry was worried about me, so I called home from the train.  It was nothing crazy downtown, just a lot of water.  Also, boy my hair looks fine when I'm drenched...

On Friday Monica was feeling sick, and we thought it was the last day of the gymnastics gym having open times, so I took Brooke.  Grayson said he didn't want to go, but Brooke and I had a fun time.  I've never been on gymnastics equipment, so it was fun being on the springy floor, and Brooke really enjoyed the rope swing.

On Saturday, Winry had a birthday party for Maverick from her class.  It was at Chuck E. Cheese, and it's been a LONG time since I've been there.  I think I remember going once as a kid.  They didn't have the animatronic band anymore, and instead had a big video wall.  It definitely looked more modern, but I was hoping to see some robots.  Oh well... here's everyone having some pizza!

So Chuck E Cheese is basically just an arcade now.  Winry got an unlimited play pass for the party, so we could do any games she wanted.  We had a good time.  I took her around and showed her how a bunch of the games worked, and she really enjoyed some of these riding games where you just sit in a moving car.  The arcade was fun, and we even double booped some games so that we could play together.

That afternoon Monica too the girls to Swan Lake.  They specifically went because the girls dance teacher was in it.  She was the evil black swan!  Anyway, everyone had a lot of fun.

On Sunday the primary kids got up to sing their Mother's day song since the power was out and we missed church last week.  Our kids all ended up grouped right together right in front of us!  Sweet!

At church the kids were playing with putty and Winry asked me to make a twisty pretzel out of the putty, and I thought "let's make some soft pretzels when we get home!"  I showed the kids how to roll out the dough and shape the pretzels and they did a great job making them.

Here they are about to go in the oven.  In the end I actually made some of them pizza pretzels and we had them for dinner!  They were really good and we'll have to do this again soon!  Maybe next time I'll even remember to take pictures of them after they're baked.

Alrighty, that wraps things up for this week.  Hope everyone is doing well out there!

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