Sunday, September 1, 2024

First Day of Preschool!

Grayson had his first day of Preschool this week!!  He was so excited to get to go, and he's been absolutely loving it so far.  Here he is, all ready to go, and look at that, he wants to be a dad when he grows up!

Here's the rainbow bridge he loves so much!  I think I mentioned it last week from when they did their tour, but here he is taking it on his way into school.

It looks like the school takes pictures, and we got some on the app we use.  There he is hanging out in his classroom.

After school, he needed a little relaxation as baby Yoda.  He looks very comfortable. 

I went to pick up the girls from school as Monica had a doctor's appointment.  It was raining very hard at the time, and Grayson can be VERY adverse to going out in the rain right now.  We drove over as close as we could to pick the girls up, and then I just kinda had to wait until they got across the street and into our neighborhood.  I tried texting Brooke on her watch, but it was dead.  One of the other parents that knew Brooke asked if she wanted to call her parents, but she accidentally called Monica instead of me, and just as I was forcing Grayson out of the car to go find them, they walked around the corner.  Phew!

Brooke has finally gotten to the age where her peer group can greatly influence her choices.  Despite having several serviceable water bottles, she NEEDED a Stanley.  She went with Monica to check some thrift stores and see if they could get lucky, and ended up getting a used, like-new one from Amazon with her allowance money.  Ooh la la!

Grayson continues to be a rock star at flossing.  I've been very impressed.  He was asked to start flossing, and he's just taken straight to it, every night.

Monica found our friendly toad out in the garden again!  I guess it lives in there, and that's probably good.  We have lots of bugs in there.

Monica took Grayson out to Chick-fil-a for lunch, and he got to enjoy some ice cream as well.

Looks like Monica needed to do some Cricut work, and Grayson was there to help her out.

The girls have been working on their own dances lately, and it's been infectious.  Grayson's catching the fever, and came up with his own dance.  He even got dressed up to perform.

On Saturday when I was out mowing the lawn I saw this lizard out on the shed.  Looks like it lost it's tail recently, so it was really cool to see it coming back.

Our friends that we knew back in Colorado, the Whites, are living down here in TX and came by to visit for the weekend.  We went swimming in the afternoon with them and all had a very fun time.  We brought some pool floaties and had a lot of fun with that too, including Brooke's new dragon from bingo at Bear Lake.  Sadly, we don't have a picture of that though...

And that's all for this week.

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