Sunday, September 15, 2024

Flood of Children

WHOA! 8 KIDS!!  What a weekend!  Our friends, the Ellers, went on a trip to Hawaii, but conveniently forgot their kids.  We helped them out over the weekend and had a pretty full house.  Fortunately, we all had a great time together and the kids loved having friends over all the time.  On Saturday there was even time for haircuts for those who wanted one.

Grayson's school sends us a few pictures each week.  Most of them are random moments.  Sometimes him playing with other kids we don't know, etc.  I liked this picture because the class is all learning together, so I picked it this week.  Also, because I don't have an accompanying picture, I'll stick this video of Grayson teaching us how to use the exercise station at the park right here.

Brooke and Winry's school has been doing their fundraiser the past few weeks, and if their classes earn enough they can unlock various rewards.  Brooke got a crazy hair day and was rockin' Easter eggs!

Grayson conned Monica into buying him this fish one day while grocery shopping at HEB and he absolutely loves it.  He's been taking it all over with him.  They're inseparable best friends.  It's convenient that the fish eats acorns, because Grayson's been collecting them his whole life.  Now we know why.  The fish also ate Grayson's grapes because he didn't want them anymore.

Our bed has pull out drawers under it, and I'll semi-often find mine pulled all the way out against the wall.  I initially thought it was because Jelly sleeps under our bed between them, and maybe someone needed to get her or something.  Nope, Grayson pulls out one of Monica's on the opposite side and crawls under our bed!  What a crazy lad.

Speaking of crazy, he started shoving stuff in his pajamas on Saturday.  One time he got it right so it just looked like he had a HUGE belly!  I wanted to get a picture of him walking around, but things got shuffled before I did, and it didn't look as good, but he seriously looked like the Grinch with his big body and super skinny legs!  This sitting picture is good, but it was even better when he was walking around.

Since we had so many kids in our house, Saturday was a day for manual labor!!  Monica had been wanting me to put up some boards on the wall in the laundry room so we could put up hooks for backpacks.  I used the allure of power tools to attract my helper.  Seth and I measured, cut and nailed up boards.  In this picture we're still trying to figure out the exact design we wanted to do.

It's hard to not have fancy hair parties when there are 5 little girls in the house.  It also helps that all these things are kept in a bin together, though there are definitely some clips from dance recitals that I didn't think were supposed to go in there...  Anyway, once they get started it's easy to get carried away.

Saturday is sports day, or at least it is for the Ellers.  Monica took Lois to her volleyball game in the morning, and then actually picked them all up after that to come to our house.  Megan had a soccer game around noon, and Monica dropped her off, but then I went over and watched the game.

In the afternoon, we all went to the pool and swam.  I think everyone had a great time.  The girls really like floating out on the big dragon floatie, and then I "shark attack" them by swimming under it and bumping it with my head and trying to knock them off.  It was lots of fun.

That evening I made a rushed attempt to cut all the wood before it got dark, and still ended up outside with my headlight on.  But I got the rest of the boards nailed to the wall!  Now just a little caulking and painting and we'll be ready for hooks!  So, just... 2 more months.

Alrighty, that's all I've got for now.  A bit of a crazy weekend, but fun to have friends over with us.  Sunday was a bit crazy because there were too many of us to fit in one car, and I had meetings after church, but we got it all figured out.  We also had crepes for lunch, and they were a huge hit!  That's great news because the Ellers used to live in Europe, so they know a thing or two about crepes.

Oh! and Monica put together a 1 second every day for August!  My thought watching it was I can't believe we did so much in August!  It's been a crazy past 2-ish months with traveling, etc.

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