Sunday, September 8, 2024

Jus' Chillin'

Why hello!  Things were pretty laid back this week, and we're definitely getting into the groove of things now.  We enjoyed having Monday off from everything, and had a great time with our visitors.  Here's Grace cuddling up with Brooke.  She was probably trying to hide from me.  She just kept pretending to be nervous the whole time, but I could see through it!

We went to the park, and had a great time there.  It was supposed to rain in the afternoon, and I believe rained over night before, so it was a little cloudy and MUCH cooler than it's been recently!  May this, PLEASE, be the start of fall.  Anyway, the kids all had a lot of fun playing together at the park.

A fun idea Jessica brought was to go get some cheap pictures/paintings at Goodwill and then paint on them to make them Halloween-y.  Winry really wanted to pain this castle, and did a really good job!

Grayson's been not wanting to sleep by himself in his room lately, and has started asking to sleep in Winry's room.  He's been sleeping on the bottom bunk, so that works pretty well, though it makes getting only Winry up for school trickier.  It's been going alright though.  Anyway, Grayson's enjoyed finding blankets, etc. and getting cozy.

I went into work on Tuesday and... the door was broken.  I was able to get in still and they came and fixed the door same day, so that's good too.

Grayson got a taste of Bledsoe park, and he's dying to go back now.  I think he's wanted to go every day.  Monica took him first, and I took him another day after dinner.  He really likes this slide, and I feel like it's the big talking point, but I can't blame him because it looks pretty fun.

I thought dance started last week, but maybe it started this week... :)  Here's Winry with the 1st day of dance sign.  Brooke's class specifically asked for us to just drop her off and not come in to help with traffic flow, so I think that's why she's missing a similar picture.

Jelly found a new friend this past week.  This grasshopper stayed there all afternoon as well, so Jelly had a lot of time to introduce herself.

On Sunday morning while I was at ward council, the kids and Monica found an inch worm!  Actually, they found 2.  We were talking about it, and think they came from our tomato plants, which Monica was out in that morning.  I had one on me after helping her get some tomatoes one day, so that's how we made the connection.

And Monica was feeling kinda sick as well.  She didn't go to church, and I had meetings right after, so I dropped off the kids, and while I was gone they made her lunch!  What an amazing bunch of kiddos we've got!

And that's our week.  Hopefully Monica will be back on her feet and feeling great soon.

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